Issue with ABAP Control Panel

Issue with ABAP Control Panel


Customer had to copyback over QA systems from production and restore the configuration. However, when they try to restore ABAP settings, they received an error that a file does not contain any instrumentation settings.

Reason and prerequisites

If 'Instrumentation Settings' checkbox wasn't checked during export or no instrumentation settings existed on the source system, the 'Instrumentation Settings' checkbox on the import screen needs to be unchecked as well.

It was also recommended to go to /DVD/APPD_CUST, find Settings in the upper-left menu, then find Import Settings and Export Settings. These contain 'Instrumentation Settings' checkbox.


This version contained a known bug in code and following adjustment fixed the problem:

Word "OR" has been replaced with "AND". After this, all Match rules and Data collectors have to be set.

Workaround for the customer:
On the source system, create a dummy data collector and export it again. This should fix the import (the data collector is deleted after the import).

Please try to repeat the process with the attached file. 

If it works, please add the following lines to the other exported files in case they are failing. 

You can copy them from an attached file but not two blank lines (open file in Notepad and edit).

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