SDK Manager Server 500 error

SDK Manager Server 500 error


A customer reported an error: Server 500 in SDK Manager when trying to create a Business Transaction.

Reason and prerequisites

To analyze the problem, the customer should provide us with the following details:

  1. Information about the version
  2. ZIP file with logs downloaded through /DVD/APPD_STATUS
  3. Screenshot from /DVD/APPD_CUST screen
  4. Screenshot from /DVD/APPD_STATUS screen

SDK Manager log files with more details on this Server 500 error.

The webqas* log is complaining about an HTTP exception.
2018-08-14 13:51:11.055093|    2|agent| Scheduling new config update request
2018-08-14 13:51:11.062442|    4|httpclient| request had HTTP exception: Error resolving address
2018-08-14 13:51:11.062508|    3|agent| Agent configuration update error {http status 0}


The hostname configured in SAP UI was wrong. 

Once it was corrected, they were able to see SAP Tier inside of AppD Controller.

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