Issue with ABAP agent after a system copy

Issue with ABAP agent after a system copy


The customer created a new Sandbox system (copy of a production system). Consequently, he tried to configure Appdynamics settings.
In a display mode, SDK settings still reflected the production system, and both systems were saved in Node settings. 

The customer tried to switch from display mode to edit mode, but he was prompted to remote login into the production system.

Reason and prerequisites

After a system copy, customers very often encounter a problem: ABAP Agent and Insights stop working.
Our developers are planning to create a feature that should change a source system to a target system automatically, to make the process easier.
Until then, we use a standard solution.


The solution is to delete the content of tables /DVD/APPD_NODE and /DVD/APPD_PROXY. Consequently, execute the export of settings before the refresh and import them after the refresh of the system. Documentation is available from the newest version 4.5.1908 for ABAP agent settings only:


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