Machine Agent returned an error


A customer gets below errors:
Machine agent HTTP client returned an error status for action CREATE_EVENTS
Machine agent HTTP client returned an error status for action PING
HTTP communication failed
Connect to sapserver:8293 failed: NIECONN_REFUSED(-10))
HTTP response ended with error
Exception occurred in program name /DVD/APPD_CL_MACHINE_AGENT====CP
HTTP sap server (URI '/api/v1/events') responded with status code 404 (Connection Refused)

Datavard Insights - /DVD/MON




Reason and prerequisites

Errors occur because of:

  • Machine Agent not installed
  • Insights collectors are running and are collecting KPIs and table details
  • Insights integration is triggered for replication KPIs like AppD metrics and records table details like AppD application events and Analytics events
  • Metrics are sent via HTTP SDK, so if these are running, everything is OK
  • Application events are still sent via Machine agent so if MA is installed or set up correctly, this error appears
  • The only one option how to circumvent it is to turn off integration in /DVD/APPD_CC, but it also stops sending events and metrics


We recommend the customer to follow this guide.

Here can be found how to download and set up the recommended version of Machine Agent.