SNP CrystalBridge® Monitoring

SNP CrystalBridge® Monitoring


CrystalBridge® Monitoring provides deep insights into SAP and non-SAP systems and allows you to monitor these systems through one centralized SAP system. On this one centralized SAP system, the users might view monitored data, analyze the issues on the monitored systems, or do reporting based on collected data. It also provides a real-time alerting mechanism that can notify you about anomalies and help with root cause analysis. If users take actions based on previously reported alerts or incidents (e.g., system sizing, configuration, etc.), they can prevent the same incident occur again in the future.

Key Features & Benefits
  • Central monitoring, alerting, and reporting for SAP and non-SAP systems:

    • SAP system monitoring

    • Standalone HANA Database monitoring

    • Standalone Oracle Database monitoring

    • SAP Business Objects monitoring

    • SAP NetWeaver Java monitoring

    • SAP Web Dispatcher monitoring

  • Near real-time data collection

  • User-friendly frontend in SAP GUI to view monitored data

  • Capability to store additional details for calculated KPIs (for deeper root cause analysis)

  • Possible to create custom KPIs for the monitoring

  • Customizable retention for collected data

Key KPIs and use cases
  • SAP System resource monitoring

  • SAP System usage and user activity monitoring

  • SAP Database monitoring

  • BW Analysis (Data Distribution and Query Runtime analysis)

Possible integration with
  • SAP monitoring with AppDynamics

  • SNP Transformation Cockpit and Data Transformation Suite

  • SNP OutBoard™ and Housekeeping

CrystalBridge® Monitoring provides over 500 pre-defined KPIs and users can also create their own custom KPIs. These custom KPIs can be integrated into standard monitoring and visualization. Each KPI can be collected at different time intervals (N-minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months) which allows users to monitor specific KPIs according to their needs.

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