(DI-1805) Straggler analysis

(DI-1805) Straggler analysis

This analysis indicates how many load or activation requests contain straggler records. Straggler is a record, by which the value of the split characteristic is 2 years older than the year, in which the loading or activation was performed.


Lets have a ZDSO1 DSO object with the split characteristic 0CALDAY. The straggler analysis checks the activation request ODSR_XYZ, which was executed on the 13.04.2018. The activation request ODSR_XYZ contains a record with the value of 0CALDAY 20160113

Extract year of the activation request is the 13.04.2018 2018

Extract year of 0CALDAY is the 20160113 → 2016

Default parameter, based on which a record is identified as a straggler, has the value 2 years.

This record is a straggler because:

year value of 0CALDAYchecking/default parameter <=  year value of the request load or activation

2016 + 2 = 2018 <= 2018

The parameter, based on which is checked whether a record is a straggler, can be set in the expert settings (transaction /DVD/RL_SETT_EXPERT) on a satellite system.

Tool name = HMBW

Parameter tech. name = HM_BW_WRITER_STRUG_RETEN