(DI-1805) Fiori Dashboard Customization

(DI-1805) Fiori Dashboard Customization

System health tiles setup

In the category 'System Health' are mostly generated charts that display the KPI values for the selected system. To navigate to this window select a system in the main window and select the category System Health.

The setup for these tiles is defined by the system through the SAP transaction /DVD/MON_OSETUP and the Application ID MON (for Monitoring)

In the tile is summarized information from one or from several KPIs. You can check or set KPIs through the /DVD/MON_OSETUP transaction, by selecting the particular KPI and by clicking on Tile definition.

As an example the above record defines the following tile:

After clicking on the tile, you are directed to the below Analysis view, which shows KPIs, which are defined according to the below displayed setup:

Analysis view

For details about the Analysis view see the chapter (DI-1805) Monitoring analyses.