(DI-1805) Create custom KPI

(DI-1805) Create custom KPI

Custom KPIs can be created for some collectors. List of such collectors is available here: List of defined collectors

KPI definition

  1. In Insights cockpit (transaction /DVD/MON) go to Settings → Monitoring settings
  2. In KPI definition, click New Entries

3. Fill in all the required information, more information about each field is here in KPI definitions

When creating custom KPIs, tables or other objects, use Z* or Y* naming convention please. 

4. Save your changes

KPI is now ready for use, according to your settings it will be collected. Each KPI has to be assigned to the collector and profile to be collected.

KPI Inputs & rules

Input table name is already defined for most of KPI collectors and cannot be customized, but you can edit rule inside the detail table. 

  1. Click edit button (screenshot)
  2. Create new entry
  3. Fill in information

    Different collectors have different input tables, when lost use F4 (search help) or search collectors to understand details about collector & input table.

  4. Save all the changes

KPI Groups

KPI groups help KPI organizing in Insights cockpit. If you add your KPIs to group, it will be easier to find and monitor them.

  1. Double click the KPI groups
  2. To Add a new group click New Entries
  3. Fill the fields

    KPI groups are displayed in cockpit as folders, you can set position and arrange groups into hierarchies, using parent group.

  4. Save changes

  5. Mark your KPI group and double-click the List of KPIs
  6. Click New Entries and add your KPIs
  7. Save

KPIs are now assigned to KPI group and displayed uder defined folders in Insights cockpit.

Profile definition & assignment

  1. To create custom profile double click the Profile definition and click New entries. Z* or Y* naming convention is applied here too. 
  2. Fill all the Fields, more information about the profiles: here
  3. Double click assigned KPIs and New entries. Here are KPIs connected with profiles
  4. Add your custom KPIs or other KPIs you want to monitor with this profile
  5. Save

KPI can be monitored at one time only once. So if your KPI is found in other monitoring profile, it will be excluded from the second profile( pop-up with information is displayed). This doesn't affect collecting of the KPI.

Execution of collection

  1. To execute KPI collecting go to transastion /dvd/mon
  2. In Collector Jobs tab click Create collector job

I. Fill System ID that is going to be monitored

II. Fill your monitoring profile

III + IV. You can choose between various period types (minutes, hours, days...) + value (number)

V. Retention time - collected information exceeding the retention time is deleted

VI. Start collector job

Now your collector job is set, data are collected and you can display results in KPI charts by adding name of your KPI to KPI groups search help.

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