(DV-1811) ABAP Report Definition
Click on button 'Details' and fill neccessary details for ABAP Report test case.
Creation of ABAP Report Test Case
Details of ABAP Report Test Case
You can specify following test case details:
- RFC destination (optional) - RFC destination of the system where is the report to be executed
- Report name (mandatory) - technical name of the report to be executed. F4 help is available for this field (case sensitive)
- Report execution WITH/WITHOUT variants - flag to show if report contains/is able to contain any variants
- Application Log Attributes (optional) - log attributes that are set in running report
- Object
- Subobject
- External ID
Click on button 'Show report' shows report in new session. This functionalidy is not suppoerted when RFC destination is defined for this test case.
Click on button Variants on initial Test Case creation screen allows to manage variants. If report has selection screens, for successfull execution its mandatory for report to contain at leats one variant. Display, change or delete buttons call standart SAP functionality for variant management. Variant management through Datavard Validate screen is not supported if RFC destination is defined for test case. Variants have to be maintained on report source system.
Management of report variants