(DV-1811) Release Notes
(DV-1811) Release Notes
Release Date:
Abbreviations used:
BT: Back-end testing
FT: Front-end testing
GE: General functionalities
- [BT] Storage management integration - Storage Management Table testing was adjusted to allow testing of external non-SAP tables via DVD Storage Management. It also provides other features same as in the standard Table test variant, such as characteristic and key figure selections, filters, row count, tags and field mapping. The functionality is currently hidden. It can be turned on request using expert settings.
- [BT] Field mapping in Table testing - new columns were added to define mapping directly to new Data type. Mapping can be created without defined Old Data element.
- [BT] - Query variant generation - problem with duplicate parameter ID of query variables fixed, repeated query variant generation error fixed
- [BT] - Combination of 'Query decimal places precision' setting and 'Return formatted query values' setting does not cause negative values with double negative sign in Query testing results anymore
- [BT] - The fields with an odd number of characters are saved correctly on non-unicode systems now and don't cause problems during compare
- [BT] - Problem of empty key figure values in Query testing results solved
- [BT] - Logic behind matching compared rows in query testing when only error results are shown has been adjusted
- [FT] - Design Studio - problems with mass variant generation fixed
- [FT] - BEx Analyzer - missing workbook title depending on language version is fixed; problem with tests remaining in state Running after not handled error in rows numbering occurs is solved; problem with cells containing vertical tab is solved; unnecessary double execution of after image is also fixed
, multiple selections available,