(Glue-2408) Request Monitor

Request Monitor serves as a tool for monitoring ongoing or past extraction processes. 

You can access it via SNP Glue™ cockpit, transaction /DVD/GLUE  → Request monitor.

In this section:

After accessing the Request monitor, a filter for requests comes up where you can specify your selection based on the following fields: 

  • Extraction process: Name of the extractor or extraction process of Extractor 2.0.

  • SNP Glue™ request: Number of GLREQUEST.

  • Username: Name of the user who executed the extraction.

  • Status: Status of a request (success, error, warning, running, failed).

  • From (Date/Time): Date and time requests will be displayed from (display records that started after the set date and time).

  • To (Date/Time): Date and time requests will be displayed up to (display records that started before the set date and time).

  • Maximum No. of Hits: Maximum number of records displayed.

After clicking on the Execute button, the request monitor displays all records according to the selection.

Records are sorted by the date and time of extraction (newest first).

You can also access the monitor with filtered records for the specific Extraction Processes from SNP Glue™ Workbench by using the Manage option in the Extraction Process context menu.

Monitor screen functionalities

On the monitor screen, you can do the following:

  • Refresh the results for real-time monitoring.

  • Display logs for each request, using a button in the Logs column.

  • Delete request together with data on the target storage.

  • Clean request metadata resulting in deletion of SNP Glue™ request metadata while keeping data on the target storage.

  • Display selection is used for data extraction. Where condition is displayed if it is used instead.

  • Retry commit for supported storages, if the "Preserve staging files in case of failure" option was enabled.

  • Restart failed requests in case these were executed via Extractor 2.0 Mass Execution capabilities.

  • Standard ALV functionalities like displaying details of the row, sorting, and filtering.

  • Redirect to standard SAP transactions like Job monitor, Process overview, and SAP servers.

  • Job group monitor which enables the user to stop/kill the jobs when mass execution is running. More information can be found in the chapter Job Group Usage.

  • Redirect to extractor process in GL80:

    • Select a row with the desired object and click the Goto button on the taskbar.

    • Or with a double-click of the Extraction object name.


You can refresh the monitor by using the Refresh button. 

The Refresh button causes the monitor to load the latest state of the SNP Glue™ requests while keeping the selection you specified.

Display logs

Each SNP Glue™ request keeps execution logs. You can see these logs by clicking on the button in the display logs column on the row belonging to a particular request in the request monitor.

After clicking the display logs button, you will be redirected to the log screen.

In some cases e.g. when the request is running or failed, the logs are not stored in the standard application logs.
Therefore, you will be redirected to the job log of SM37 where you can find similar information about the execution of the extraction.

Delete request

The request monitor allows you to delete the data of a particular SNP Glue™ request. Using this option both metadata and data on the target storage will be deleted.
This functionality requires the field GLREQUEST to be present in the target structures and will display an error message in case it's not.

To delete the particular SNP Glue™ requests, select these in the ALV grid of the monitor and press the delete button.

When deleting a Glue request, you can choose between Dialog and Background job.

We recommend using the Background execution for deleting requests with a large amount of data or when deleting more than a few smaller requests. 
When using Background execution, you will have to press the refresh button to see the updated status. 

In case you choose Dialog mode, the deletion log is displayed with information about individual operations performed during the delete procedure.

In case any error occurs, you will see it in the logs, and the request together with its data will not be deleted.

If you chose the Background execution, you can find these logs within the standard application logs for SNP Glue™. 

If you are deleting requests in a running state, the popup is displayed with a warning message.

You can proceed with the deletion by selecting but there are a few limitations.

  1. In case you are deleting the request that runs in a background job, the program attempts to stop the job to keep the data consistent.
    If this fails (e.g. due to insufficient privileges) the request won't be deleted.

  2. In case you are deleting the request that runs in dialog, the program has no way to stop the job and therefore this action might lead to data inconsistencies on the target storage.
    Therefore, we recommend you not delete the running requests that are executed in the dialog.

Clean request metadata

This functionality is similar to the Delete request functionality. However, it keeps the data on the target storage and deletes only the metadata in SNP Glue™.

To delete metadata for particular requests, select these in the ALV grid of the monitor and press the Clean request metadata button.

Display selection

This functionality allows you to browse the selection that was used for the execution of a particular request.

To display the selection, click the Display selection button on the ALV grid, within the line of the request you want to see the selection for.

After executing the Display selection, you will see the pop-up with the user selection or the message informing you about the fact that the process has no selection filled in case no selection was used for the particular extraction.

Retry commit

This functionality is supported for storages that use the staging location (Hive, Redshift, BigQuery, Snowflake). When the extraction fails on the COMMIT phase and the option "Preserve staging files in case of failure" is enabled, CSV files transferred during extraction are not deleted. If the error was caused e.g. by connection issues, the commit can be relaunched, saving the time that is needed to transfer the files to the staging location.

If the original run was launched using Dialog Mode the same mode will be used with retry commit, similarly with Background Mode.

Restart failed requests

Extractor 2.0 introduces new Mass Execution capabilities. More information can be found in the chapter Mass Execution.
If the request was created via Mass Execution and failed to extract the data for some reason, you can restart it directly from the monitor screen using the button displayed in the Action column.

Press the Restart button to re-execute the failed request.

If there is more than one failed request in the Mass Execution run, a pop-up is displayed where you can choose whether you want to restart all the failed requests or just the selected one.

If you choose to restart all failed requests, you must define the parameters required for parallel execution.

After the request(s) restart has started, you will see the pop-up informing you about the restart of the request(s).


The column Application contains information about the application that executed the extraction. Standard Glue functionality will fill the DEFAULT value into this column.

Executing server

The column Executing server contains information about the application server on which background the job was scheduled.