(OH-2202) Profile Editor

(OH-2202) Profile Editor

OutBoard Housekeeping offers a huge set of tasks.
In all views, it is possible to filter tasks with predefined profiles (part of distribution package: ALL – all OutBoard Housekeeping tasks; PRE-HANA – HANA pre-migration housekeeping tasks). The user can create a profile using the Profile Editor.

Activity profiles list box

Navigating to Profile Editor

In the Profile Editor, it is possible to:

  • Create a new profile; select groups of tasks or particular tasks simply by clicking the checkbox in the "Included" column (in Edit mode).
  • Edit/ Delete user-defined profile; based on the selected System or Activity view, the current profile will be ALL (in Edit mode). Predefined profiles are non-editable.
  • Activate the profile; there can be a number of the pre-created profile, but only predefined and activated are shown in the profile list box (in Edit mode).
  • Display the logs relevant to the Profile editor (in both Display and Edit modes).
  • Using the "Copy profile" button for the selected profile will be copied into the new one.

The fields required to add the new profile successfully, are:
Profile name ID of the profile, it will be shown in the profile list.
Description Descriptive name of the profile.
Active Checkbox; when checked, the profile is activated and visible in the profile list.
Sort tasks The tasks will be sorted in the folders according to selected preferences.

Profile Editor Screen in Edit mode

 Creating new profile

Copying selected profile into a new one