(DI-2111) Collector for SAP LOCKs monitoring
The technical name of the Collector for SAP LOCKs monitoring is /DVD/MON_CL_COL_ENQUEUE_STAT.
This collector collects information about SAP enqueue statistics for locks (SM12 > Extras > Statistics). KPIs for enqueue statistics might help you to identify the enqueue lock table overflow or bottlenecks.
Default KPIs delivered with this collector
The following default KPIs are delivered with this collector:
Please note that on the higher SAP releases (>=753) not all enqueue statistics can be retrieved and some of the below listed KPIs can not be collected.
Also, in specific cases when enqueue statistics record contains a bigger value than the maximum size of INT4, the KPI values might be not collected. These big number values can be handled according to the steps as described in the section Troubleshooting of big number for KPI value.
KPI name | Description | Unit | Detail table | Support on higher releases |
DEQ_ALL_REQ_CNT | Number of releases of all locks of an LUW | Count | No | Yes |
DEQ_ERROR_CNT | Number of errors that occurred when releasing locks | Count | No | No |
DEQ_REQUEST_CNT | Number of release requests (DEQUEUE) | Count | No | Yes |
ENQ_ARG_MAX_CNT | Maximum number of diff. lock arguments that the LT can contain | Count | No | No |
ENQ_ARG_MAX_LVL | Maximum number of diff. lock arg. stored simultaneously in the LT | Count | No | No |
ENQ_ARG_NOW_LVL | Current number of different lock arguments in the lock table | Count | No | No |
ENQ_BACKUP_REQ | Number of releases of all locks of an application server | Count | No | Yes |
ENQ_CLEAN_REQ | Maximum number of elementary locks that the LT can contain | Count | No | No |
ENQ_ENTR_MAX_CNT | Maximum number of elementary locks that the LT can contain | Count | No | Yes |
ENQ_ENTR_MAX_LVL | Maximum number of elementary locks stored simultaneously in the LT | Count | No | Yes |
ENQ_ENTR_NOW_LVL | Current number of elementary locks in the lock table | countC | No | Yes |
ENQ_ENTR_P | Usage of SAP lock table | % | No | Yes |
ENQ_ERROR_CNT | Number of errors that occurred during lock requests | Count | No | No |
ENQ_FILE_WRITE | Number of writes accesses to file | Count | No | Yes |
ENQ_FILE_WRT_BCK | Number of write accesses to the backup file | Count | No | No |
ENQ_OWN_MAX_CNT | Maximum number of lock owner IDs that can be stored in the LT | Count | No | No |
ENQ_OWN_MAX_LVL | Maximum number of lock owners stored simultaneously in the LT | Count | No | No |
ENQ_OWN_NOW_LVL | Current number of lock owners in the lock table | Count | No | No |
ENQ_REPORT_REQ | Number of operations for reading the lock table | Count | No | Yes |
ENQ_REQUEST_CNT | Number of lock requests | Count | No | Yes |
ENQ_REQUEST_CNTD | Number of lock requests per minute since the last run | */min | No | Yes |
ENQ_REQ_REJ_CNT | Number of rejected lock requests | Count | No | Yes |
ENQ_REQ_REJ_CNTD | Number of rejected lock requests per minute since the last run | */min | No | Yes |
ENQ_TOTAL_TIME | Total time spent in the critical path of the LT for lock op. | Seconds [s] | No | Yes |
ENQ_TOTAL_WAIT | Total wait time of par. proc. before entering the critical path | Seconds [s] | No | Yes |
ENQ_TOT_SER_TIME | Total time spent in the enqueue server | Seconds [s] | No | Yes |
ENQ_UPD_MAX_CNT | Maximum number of open update req. with locks occurred so far | Count | No | No |
ENQ_UPD_NOW_LVL | Current number of open update requests with locks | Count | No | No |
The following parameters are used in this collector:
Parameter name | Description | Default value |
BIG_NUMBER_DIVIDE_BY | If any big number for KPI is identified, this big number is divided by this parameter’s value. | 1 |
VALUE_OFFSET | The offset value is based on which the value from the relevant text row in enqueue statistics is retrieved. | 23 |
Troubleshooting of big number for KPI value
In case the value of enqueue statistics row is too big, the following error message “Wrong value "&1" for KPI &2!” is raised.
To be able to collect this KPI, you need to set a collector’s parameter BIG_NUMBER_DIVIDE_BY to a greater value than 1 (e.g. 1000).
When this parameter value is set, the KPI value is then divided by this value and the following warning message “Overflow of big number ‘&1' for KPI '&2’ (value divided by '&3')” is raised.
Please keep in mind that after this division, the KPI value is lower than the real value.