(DI-2111) System Settings Maintenance

(DI-2111) System Settings Maintenance

When you click on the button:

in the RFC or press Shift + F5, the system displays the System maintenance screen. On this screen, it is possible to maintain relevant system settings.

On the left side under System maintenance you can change system-specific settings like the setup of individual servers, connection parameters, monitoring areas, etc.

System maintenance

System maintenance

After you select a system, you may edit: System name, Description, Destination and Timeout. The correct setup of response time is important in the case there is a slow connection between systems. If the response time is exceeded, then the system is displayed as offline or inaccessible. You can change values directly in the system table list or display a detail window with a double click on the system.

Setup of response time

Server list

Displays the list of servers for a selected system. You may specify which servers should be monitored. You can also define Full network address to the server in case, it is not located on the same sub-network.

Server list

System parameters

Display system parameters that are used for the selected system. It is possible to add new or adjust existing system parameters.

System parameters

System status KPI

Contains one KPI which status you want to watch directly on Fiori Dashboard.

System status KPI

Server types 

Display server type for a selected system. Server types monitored by the Datavard Insights tool:

List of supported server types

Server types

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