(DI-2002) Collector for monitoring failed transmissions
The collector for monitoring failed transmission is named: /DVD/MON_CL_COL_SEND_TRANSMIT
It collects KPIs about transmissions. The KPIs are defined via KPI definition and input table /DVD/MON_SDTRI1.
Input table /DVD/MON_SDTRI1 sets KPI’s rules for selecting right transmissions. Table has following fields:
KPI name | Same technical name like in KPI definition |
Rule ID | Index of rule of same KPI |
Status | Status of the sent object. Possible options are: WAITING - Waiting status INFUTURE - Send in future INCONSIST - Inconsistent, Still no entry in queue DELIVERED - Transmitted SEND - Send ERROR - Cannot process message |
Send method | Transmission method code (via Internet, Fax...) [optional] |
Sender | Name of Sender [optional] |
Recipient | Email address of recipient [optional] |
Subject | Document title [optional] |
Add to detail | Add relevant transmissions found for KPIs also to detail table (Yes/No) |
Active | Rule is active (Yes/No) |
Changed user | Last change by user [automatically filled] |
Changed at | Last change date and time [automatically filled] |
Created user | Created by user [automatically filled] |
Created at | Created date and time [automatically filled] |
Defining KPIs via input tables offers higher scalability to create KPIs based on customer needs without any coding. The collector provides also detailed output in detail table for relevant KPIs. The detail table is called /DVD/MON_SDTRD1 with following fields:
Status |
Send method |
Sender |
Recipient |
Title |
Message number |
Send date |
Send time |
Message text |
Some KPIs are provided in standard delivery with collector as examples:
KPI name | Description | Unit |
SDTR_ERROR_CNT | Number of all transmission in error | count |
SDTR_TRANSMT_CNT | Number of successfully transmitted mail requests | count |
SDTR_WAITING_CNT | Number of waiting transmissions | count |
NOTE: All standard transmission KPIs have prefix SDTR_*
Step by step to define KPI:
- Create KPI definition
- Define KPI rules for collecting statistics
- Save customizing, add the KPI to monitoring profile and you are DONE
- Check results of KPI after first run of collector job