(DI-2002) Collector for modules workloads
The collector for monitoring modules workloads is named: /DVD/MON_STAT_CL_COL_MODULES
It collects KPIs about background jobs. The KPIs are defined via KPI definition and input tables /DVD/MON_STAT_I1 and /DVD/MON_STAT_I2.
Input table /DVD/MON_STAT_I1 sets extended KPI definition with following fields:
KPI | KPI name |
Value result | Value result for Module |
Above | Count transaction runtime only above limit |
Min hint | Minimum hint of transaction count to evaluate |
Exclude top N | Exclude top N runtimes for average |
Time source | Time source |
Add to details | Add statistics to details |
Changed by | Last changed by user [automatically filled] |
Changed at | Last changed at [automatically filled] |
Input table /DVD/MON_STAT_I2 sets extended KPI definition with following fields:
KPI | KPI name |
Rule number | KPI rule number |
Component | Application Component ID |
Program name | ABAP Program Name |
User name | User name |
Task type | Task type |
Job | Background job name |
Server | Server name |
Changed by | Last changed by user [automatically filled] |
Changed at | Last changed at [automatically filled] |
In collector parameters needs to be defined:
Parameter name | Description |
The collector provides also detailed output in detail table for relevant KPIs. The detail table is called: SAP Workload Statistics - /DVD/MON_STAT_D1 with following fields:
Timestamp |
System ID |
Server name |
Application Component ID |
ABAP Program Name |
User name |
Task type |
Background job name |
Transaction count |
Response time [ms] |
Average runtime [ms] |
Period of snapshot in seconds |
Total processing time [ms] |
Average processing time [ms] |
Rolled out time [ms] |
Average rolled out time [ms] |
Database request time [ms] |
Average database request time [ms] |
CPU time [ms] |
Average CPU time [ms] |
GUI time [ms] |
Average GUI time [ms] |
GUI network time [ms] |
Average GUI network time [ms] |
Some KPIs are provided in standard delivery with collector as examples:
KPI name | Description | Unit |
STAT_DIALOG_AVG | Average System Response Time for Users | ms |
STAT_DIALOG_TOT | Total System Response Time for Users | ms |
STAT_M_RESP_BC | [BC] Response time from Basis Components | ms |
STAT_M_RESP_BW | [BW] Response time from SAP Business Inf. Warehouse | ms |
STAT_M_RESP_XXXX | Total response time from undefined components | ms |
STAT_M_TCNT_BC | [BC] Number of trans. from Basis Components | count |
STAT_M_TCNT_BW | [BW] Number of trans. from SAP Business Inf. Warehouse | count |
STAT_M_TCNT_XXXX | Number of transaction from undefined components | count |
STAT_RSA1_AVG | Average runtime of RSA1 | ms |
STAT_SE16_AVG | Average Response Time of Transaction SE16 | ms |
STAT_SE16_CNT | Number of SE16 Transaction starts | count |
STAT_SE16_TTL | Response Time of Transaction SE16 | ms |
STAT_SE38_RESP | Response Time of Transaction SE38 | ms |
STAT_SE38_RUN | Average Runtime of reports running via SE38 | ms |
NOTE: All modules workloads KPIs have prefix STAT_*