(DI-2002) Collector for Calculation
The collector for calculation is /DVD/MON_CA_CL_COL_CALC.
The collector collects KPIs with defined calculation function in the Input table. The KPIs are defined through KPI definition and the Input table /DVD/MON_CA_KDEF.
The Input table /DVD/MON_CA_KDEF sets up the calculation function for a KPI. The Input table contains the following fields:
KPI name | Same technical name like in the KPI definition |
Function | Calculation function |
Changed by | Last change by user [automatically filled] |
Changed at | Last change date and time [automatically filled] |
Created by | Created by user [automatically filled] |
Created at | Created date and time [automatically filled] |
Functions for calculations
KPI() – Function KPI() returns collected values of KPI in a time range.
Parameters: only one KPI
AVG() – Calculates average of values.
MAX() – Selects the maximum value.
MIN() – Selects the minimum value.
SUM() – Function sum of all values.
DIFF() – Function subtract for all values.
MUL() – Multiplication of all values.
DIV() – Dividing values.
Parameters for functions above:
- only one KPI
- more constant values
- more functions
- combination of constants and functions
KPI(DB_CPU_LOAD5_P) – returns all values in a time range
MAX(KPI(DB_CPU_LOAD5_P)) – gets maximum of values from KPI
MAX(MAX(KPI(DB_CPU_LOAD5_P)), 60) – gets maximum of two values,
- the first parameter is MAX(KPI(DB_CPU_LOAD5_P))
- and second is the threshold – 60
DIV(MAX(MAX(KPI(DB_CPU_LOAD5_P)), 60), 60) – divides maximum from
- function MAX(MAX(KPI(DB_CPU_LOAD5_P)), 60)
- and threshold – 60
Example of an Input table
KPI name | Function |
This KPI are provided in the Insights delivery with this collector:
KPI name | Description | Unit |
CF_THRESHOLD | Value relative to the threshold of a KPI | count |