(DI-1908) Example: Number of Inactive Objects on the System

(DI-1908) Example: Number of Inactive Objects on the System

This example shows how you can create your KPI to collect information about the number of inactive objects on the monitored system. 

Define a custom KPI for SQL Collector

  1. Go to the Settings > Collector settings (or transaction /DVD/MON_COL).
  2. Select the collector /DVD/MON_CL_COL_SQL.
  3. Double-click KPI.
  4. Click New Entries (F5).
  5. Fill in all required fields for custom KPI as display in the figure. All fields descriptions can be found in (DI-1908) Define a Custom KPI.
  6. Save your KPI (CRTL + S).

Choose how data is collected into the custom KPI through a SQL SELECT statement

  1. Double-click Inputs & rules.
  2. Select Edit next to the Input table /DVD/MON_KPISQL1.

  3. Click Edit (Ctrl + F1) and then Create new records (F6). 
  4. In the next dialog enter the KPI name 'ZCUSTOM_INACTIVE_OBJECT' and fill in the SQL statement.
    The SQL Statement for inactive objects is SELECT count(*) FROM DWINACTIV WHERE delet_flag <> 'X'.

  5. Save the changes (CTRL + S).

Create a Monitoring profile for the custom KPI 

Before you start to collect the custom KPI, you must assign it to a Monitoring profile. To create a custom Monitoring profile and assign it to this custom KPI, follow these steps:  

  1. Go to the Settings > Monitoring settings (or transaction /DVD/MON_CUST).
  2. Double-click Profile definition. 
  3. Click New Entries (F5).
  4. Fill in the profile name ZCUSTOM.
  5. Double-click Assigned KPIs.
  6. Click New Entries (F5).
  7. Fill in the custom KPI name ZCUSTOM_INACTIVE_OBJECT.
  8. Save (CTRL+S).

Schedule the monitoring of a custom KPI 

Custom KPI "ZCUSTOM_INACTIVE_OBJECT" is now assigned to a valid Monitoring profile "ZCUSTOM". The last step is to execute the monitoring of KPIs for a specific system with the created Monitoring profile:

  1. In the main screen, go the the Collector Jobs tab.
  2. Select Create collector job.
  3. Fill in the System ID on which you want to monitor the KPI.
  4. Fill in the Monitoring profile with the value ZCUSTOM.
  5. Adjust the Period and Retention time according to your requirements.
  6. Click (Re)Start collector job.`

For information on how to schedule and start a Collector job, see (DI-1908) Schedule the Monitoring of KPIs.

When the Collector job was executed successfully, you may display the results of your custom KPI in the main screen. For further information on how to display a KPI, see (DI-1908) Display KPIs.

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