(DI-1908) Create a Custom KPI

(DI-1908) Create a Custom KPI

There are several methods how to create and set your custom KPI for monitoring. The following methods are sorted from the most simple method to the most advanced.

Before you create a custom KPI, check, if a default KPI doesn't track whats important for you. You can find a list of default KPIs with their descriptions in the chapter (DI-1908) Default KPIs.

To display more information about the specific method, click on its name.

  1. (DI-1908) Create a KPI from an Existing KPI Based on a Calculation Function

    Use this method if you find an existing KPI from which you can specify your custom KPI based on a calculation function. This method is mainly used for adjusting the existing KPIs (for example sum of KPI values, find the maximum value of the KPIs, etc.)

  2. (DI-1908) Create a KPI through a SQL Select Statement

    Use this method when you require a KPI which isn't included in the default KPIs or the first method doesn't fulfill your requirements. The advantage of this method is that you can create a custom KPI by specifying an SQL select statement. 

  3. (DI-1908) Create a KPI through the Collectors with a Custom KPI

    Use this method when you require a KPI which can't be created with an SQL statement. Insights includes programs (Collectors with a custom KPI) for which you may define data sets which are collected into a custom KPI.

  4. (DI-1908) Create a KPI with a Custom Collector in ABAP

    Use this method only when you require a KPI which can't be created with the previous steps. This method requires an advanced ABAP knowledge as you should implement the collector program by yourself. 

You may find an overview of the complete process of Custom KPI creation in the chapter The Complete Process of Custom KPI Creation and Data Collection.

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