(DI-1908) Collectors

(DI-1908) Collectors

This chapter explains what is a collector and the collector types. The content in this chapter servers only to inform you how the collector types work and and doesn't include any instructions.

Collectors are programs which define how to calculate KPIs. Each collector has a different program logic through which it calculates and creates a different KPI. 

Without the collector the KPI doesn't include any data.

In this section

There are two main types of collectors:

Default collectors create usually the default KPIs and are delivered to you with Insights. Delivered collectors start with the /DVD/MON prefix and are pre-configured.

Custom collectors aren't part of Insights, but they enable you to create a custom KPI. You can create them in ABAP language (They start with Z* or Y*). However, these collectors should be created only by users advanced in ABAP. 

Default collectors (with the /DVD/MON prefix) are further divided into:

  • Default collectors with non-adjustable settings  collect data necessary to build the default KPIs without the possibility to change the settings.

  • Default collectors with custom settings  these collectors include an Input table, which enables you to change the settings of these collectors.
    These collectors are further divided into:
    • Collectors with a custom rule  you may change which data is collected into the default KPIs assigned to this collector and thus influence the resulting value of a default KPI. For more information, see Collectors with a Custom Rule.
    • Collector for user defined SQL  a special case of default collector. You may create a custom KPI and set the rules for the KPI's data collection in this collector. For more information, see Collector for user defined SQL.
    • Collectors with a custom KPI  include the same functionality as "Collectors with custom rule" plus you may create a custom KPI and set the rules for the KPI's data collection in this collector. For more information, see Collectors with a Custom KPI.

You may assign several KPIs to one collector, but you shouldn't assign one particular KPI to more than one collector. So, one particular KPI shouldn't be defined in more collectors. The reason is that collectors can be executed at once, but one KPI can be monitored at a specific time only once for a particular system. For more information about starting the monitoring, please see the chapter (DI-1908) Schedule the Monitoring of KPIs.

For the Custom collectors and the Collector for user defined SQL you may additionally define a Detail table. For more information, see (DI-1908) KPI Details Displayed in a Detail Table

Some collectors have defined parameters which values can be adjusted. For more information, see (DI-1908) Parameters of Collectors

Overview of collector types

  1. (DI-1908) Default Collectors

2. (DI-1908) Custom Collectors

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