(DI-1908) Parameters of Collectors

(DI-1908) Parameters of Collectors

For the below mentioned collectors you may set a value for their parameters. These parameters are used in the collector's program and provide a generic setup of the collector's execution logic.
Through the setup of parameters you may adjust the collector's program according to your requirements or system setup (e.g. you might influence the calculation of default KPI values or setup the general properties of a collector). For more information about collectors, see (DI-1908) Collectors.

To change parameters of a collector, follow these steps

  1. Go to the Settings Collector settings (transaction /DVD/MON_COL).
  2. Select a collector name from the below mentioned list.
  3. Double-click Parameters.
  4. Check the parameters of the collector.
  5. Change the value of the parameter.

You can only change a value of parameter for a default collector. It is not possible to create a new parameter for default collectors, only for a custom collectors. You can find more information about parameters for custom collectors in the chapter Custom collector parameters

List of default collectors with parameters for which you may alter their values:

CollectorParameter nameParameter value

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