(DV-1811) Transformations Execution & Backend

(DV-1811) Transformations Execution & Backend


When a DTP Case is added to Test Plan a new backend Test Run is automatically created and a Run ID is generated. The description holds technical name of the Test Plan and the Test Case. All the DTP Variants that were selected during creation of the DTP Test Case are automatically added to the DTP Variant selection for the generated Test Run. 
You can execute DTP Test Case from Test Management by clicking on  'Execute' button and the screen for standard Transformation Testing scenario is displayed. 

 Please note that the generated Test Run in the backend testing is also accessible from the Validate Backend Testing screen and can also be executed from there.

Transformation testing

Transformations are used during the execution of Data Transfer Process. This scenario is used to test the changes/updates of logic used in the transformations (lookups, rules, routines).

Test Scenario EQS_DTP (Transformations testing)

Transformation Testing Scenario

This test scenario consists of following 18 simple steps:

  1. Select DTP Variants
  2. Generate tasks for DTP generation
  3. Generate DTPs
  4. Generate tasks for before DTP load
  5. Load DTP for Before Image
  6. Generate tasks for before DTP images
  7. Create Before Images
  8. Performing some specific task in system outside Validate (like conversion, archiving, migration, etc.)
  9. Generate tasks for after DTP load
  10. Load DTP for After Image
  11. Generate tasks for after DTP images
  12. Create DTP for After Image
  13. Generate tasks for comparison
  14. Compare before and after images
  15. Display Results
  16. Display Lookup Results
  17. Generate tasks for clean up
  18. Clean up
  19. Clean up DTP

Select DTP variants

First in the list is a screen for defining the DTP variants to be tested during the run.


Figure 210: Selection of DTP variants

You can use standard Validate functionality to create a new DTP variant, add existing variants or add collection of variants from another Test Run. 
After selecting the DTP variants you should save the selection 'Save' button (Ctrl + s) for current Test Run.
Create New DTP Variant - (Shift + F1) a dialog is displayed where you can specify the new variant. Please refer to 7.3.1 ('Create New DTP Variant').
Add existing DTP Variant – (Shift + F2) you can view a list of all the existing DTP Variants in the systems. Here you can select the variants to be added to the Test Run. 
Add DTP Variants of Run - (Shift + F4) you can choose to add all variants used in another run to this Test Run.
Copy DTP Variants of Run - (Shift + F8) you can choose to add all variants used in another run to this Test Run as copies.
Add variants of Test Case - (Shift + F11) you can choose to add all variants used in existing Test Case to this Test Run.
Copy variants of Test Case - (Shift + F12) you can choose to add all variants used in existing Test Case to this Test Run as copies.
Copy Variants - Please refer to ("Copy DTP Variants") section for function details.
Generate tasks for DTP generation - Generates the tasks for all DTP variants in the Test Run for the following step 'Generate DTPs'
Generate DTPs - This step groups the tasks to be executed into multiple background jobs. Each task generates one DTP based on the transformations specified in the DTP variant. However, if you are using a different after image, another variant is specified for the DTP variant as well. This DTP is generated for this variant settings and the same logic is applied. 
Generated DTPs are created with these settings:

  • Extraction Mode – Full;
  • Package Size – 50 000;

Extraction from – Active Table (Without Archive) – can be changed with Validate settings (see Settings chapter).
Note: You can always modify the generated DTP settings and filters through the standard RSA1 transaction and the generated DTPs are also visible there.
Note: DTPs generated by the Validate tool have their description generated in the same way as in standard DTPs; the only difference is an added prefix to the beginning. This Prefix can be changed in the Validate settings and can be up to 8 characters long. Please refer to Settings chapter.

Generate tasks for before DTP load

Generates tasks for the following step 'Load DTP for Before Image' for all DTPs in the Test Run.

Load DTP for Before Image

This step is a group task that can be executed using multiple background jobs. Each task executes one generated DTP (If RFC Destination was specified for DTP Variant the DTP load is executed on specified target system). 
In Validate the settings for the maximum waiting time can be specified (parameter 'DTP load wait time') for each task. If this time is exceeded (load takes too long) you are informed via the log and should check the status of load manually. It is necessary to wait for all loads to finish before you continue to the next scenario steps.

Generate tasks for before DTP images

Generates the tasks in following step 'Create Before Images' for all DTP variants in the Test Run.

Create Before Images

Each task creates a snapshot of request data loaded for one DTP from the previous steps and all loaded data of the request is stored.

Generate tasks for after DTP load

Generates the tasks for the following step 'Load DTP for After Image' for all DTP variants in the Test Run.

Load DTP for After Image

Each task executes one DTP (If RFC Destination was specified for DTP Variant the DTP load is executed on specified target system). If a different after image DTP Variant is specified then it's generated DTP is used for loading. 
In Validate the settings for the maximum waiting time can be specified (parameter 'DTP load wait time') for each task. If this time is exceeded (load takes too long) you are informed via the log and should check the status of load manually. It is necessary to wait for all loads to finish before you continue to the next scenario steps.

Generate tasks for after DTP images

This step automatically generates the tasks for the DTP variants that are going to be used in the 'Create After Images'.

Create After Images

Each task creates a snapshot of the request data loaded by a DTP and all loaded data of request is stored.

Generate tasks for comparison

You can select InfoObjects that are ignored during comparison for the DTP Variants for this run, these ignored InfoObject columns are not visible when you 'Display Results'. Generation of task is executed by clicking on 'Create Tasks' (F8) button.

Selection of ignored key figure columns

Compare before and after images

These tasks compare the before image with after image of the DTP Variants that were created previously.

Display Results

Double click to view results of testing is displayed refer to (Results overview) chapter for more information.

Display Lookup Results (Optional)

Here the lookup data testing results are displayed, when DVD Lookup Translator is installed in the system and configured to provide Validate pre and post lookup data, Validate will also create images of the provided data and compares these with the 'Compare before and after images' step. 

Please note that Lookup data testing enhancement is not supported for RFC DTP Test Cases.

Generate tasks for cleanup

This step automatically generates the tasks for following steps 'Clean up requests' and 'Clean up DTP' for all DTP's in the Test Run.

Clean up requests

Each task looks into saved parameters of a variant and finds the before/after image load requests executed and then deletes these from the system. 
The saved image data with comparison results are preserved after the clean up steps have finished their execution. If the DTP Test Case is defined with a RFC Destination these requests are deleted in appropriate system. By executing this step prior to 'Create Before Images' step, you can separately clear test loads from systems after the before image is taken. The status can also be reset after the 'Create After Images' step and then rerun to also clear the after image loads.

Clean up DTP

The tasks look into the saved parameters for one variant; searches for the generated DTPs and these are then deleted from the system. If the DTP Test Case is defined with a RFC Destination the DTPs are deleted on appropriate system. The saved image data with comparison results are preserved after these steps finish their execution.

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