(DI-1811) Collector for IDocs

(DI-1811) Collector for IDocs

The collector for IDocs monitoring is named: /DVD/MON_IDOC_CL_COL_EDIDC
It collects KPIs about IDocs. The KPIs are defined via KPI definition and input table /DVD/MON_IDOC_I1.
Input table /DVD/MON_IDOC_I1 sets extended KPI definition with following fields:

KPI rule numKPI rule number
UnitUnit of measure
Processing timeProcessing time for iDoc
StatusStatus of IDoc
DirectDirection for IDoc
IDoc typeIDoc Type
Msg typeMessage Type
PortReceiver port
Partn typePartner Type of Receiver
ReceiverPartner Number of Receiver
PortSender port
Sender typePartner type of sender
SenderPartner Number of Sender
Add to detailAdd statistics to details
From lastrunSnapshot from last run
Changed byLast changed by user [automatically filled]
Changed atLast changed date [automatically filled]

In collector parameters needs to be defined:

Parameter name



Max snapshot time

The collector provides also detailed output in detail table for relevant KPIs. The detail table is called: IDocs details - /DVD/MON_IDOC_D1 with following fields:

System ID
KPI name
IDoc number
Date status error
Time status error
Direction for IDoc
Status of IDoc
Status text
IDoc Type
Message Type
Processing time for iDoc
Receiver port
Partner Type of Receiver
Partner Number of Receiver
Sender port 
Partner type of sender
Partner Number of Sender

Some KPIs are provided in standard delivery with collector as examples:

KPI nameDescriptionUnit


Total count of inbound IDocs for last snapshotCount
IDOC_IN_ERRORSNumber of Errors in Inbound iDocs ProcessingCount
IDOC_I_PROC_AVGAverage time of successfull inbound IDoc processing (50-53)s
IDOC_OUTBOUND_CTotal count of outbound IDocs for last snapshotCount
IDOC_OUT_ERRORSNumber of Errors in Outbound iDocs processingCount
IDOC_O_PROC_AVGAverage time of successfull outbound IDoc processing (01-30)s
IDOC_O_TRANS_AVGAverage time of successful transmission (03->12)s

NOTE: All IDocs KPIs have prefix IDOC_*