(DI-1811) Workload Statistics Collector
The collector for workload statistic is named: /DVD/MON_STAT_CL_COL_MODULES
It collects statistical KPIs about transactional workload. The KPIs are defined via KPI definition and two input tables /DVD/MON_STAT_I1, /DVD/MON_STAT_I2.
Input table /DVD/MON_STAT_I1 sets extended KPI definition with following fields:
KPI name | same technical name like in KPI definition |
KPI value result | define how the value will be calculated. Possible options are: AVG_TIME - Average response time MAX_TIME - Maximum time MED_TIME - Median runtime MIN_TIME - Minimum time RESP_TIME - Total response time TRANS_CNT- Number of transactions |
Above [ms] | Evaluate only transactions which have runtime above the limit [optional] |
Min. hint | Evaluate only if more than x transaction[optional] |
ExTopNRunt | Exclude top N runtimes for average [optional] |
Time source | possible values are: ‘ ‘ - Response time C - CPU time D - DB time P - Processing time G - GUI time R - Roll (in+wait) time T - Total (resp. + GUINet) time N - GUINet time |
Add to details | Add relevant statistics found for KPIs also to detail table (Yes/No) |
Change user | Last change by user [automatically filled] |
Change date | Last change date [automatically filled] |
Change time | Last change time [automatically filled] |
Input table /DVD/MON_STAT_I2 set KPI’s rules for selecting right statistics. Table has following fields:
KPI name | same technical name like in KPI definition |
Rule number | Index of rule of same KPI |
Component | SAP Application Component ID of desired transactions [optional] For transaction without app. comp. can be used UNKNOWN |
Program name | Name of specific program or specific transaction [optional] |
User | User name whose run transaction [optional] |
Task type | Possible values [optional]: 1 Dialog process 2 Update process 3 Spool 4 Background process 5 Enqueue 6 Buffer synchronization 7 Auto ABAP 8 Update 2 9 Native RFC 10 Plugin 101 HTTP 102 HTTPs 103 NTTP 104 SMTP 105 FTP 108 LCOM 117 HTTP JSP 118 HTTPs JSP 255 CPI-C 254 RFC 253 ALE |
Job | Background Job Name |
Server | Server name |
Change user | Last change by user [automatically filled] |
Change date | Last change date [automatically filled] |
Change time | Last change time [automatically filled] |
Defining KPIs via input tables offers higher scalability to create KPIs based on customer needs without any coding. The collector provides also detailed output in detail table for relevant KPIs. The detail table is called SAP Workload Statistics - /DVD/MON_STAT_D1 with following fields:
Timestamp |
System ID |
Server name |
Application Component ID |
ABAP Program Name |
User Name |
Task type |
Background job name |
Transaction count |
Response time [ms] |
Average runtime [ms] |
Period of snapshot in seconds |
Total processing time [ms] |
Average processing time [ms] |
Rolled out time [ms] |
Average rolled out time [ms] |
Database request time [ms] |
Average database request time [ms] |
CPU time [ms] |
Average CPU time [ms] |
GUI time [ms] |
Average GUI time [ms] |
GUI network time [ms] |
Average GUI network time [ms] |
Some KPIs are provided in standard delivery with collector as examples:
KPI name | Description | Unit |
STAT_DIALOG_AVG | Average System Response Time for Users | ms |
STAT_DIALOG_TOT | Total System Response Time for Users | ms |
STAT_M_RESP_BC | [BC] Response time from Basis Components | ms |
STAT_M_RESP_BW | [BW] Response time from SAP Business Inf. Warehouse | ms |
STAT_M_RESP_XXXX | Total response time from undefined components | ms |
STAT_M_TCNT_BC | [BC] Number of trans. from Basis Components | count |
STAT_M_TCNT_BW | [BW] Number of trans. from SAP Business Inf. Warehouse | count |
STAT_M_TCNT_XXXX | Number of transaction from undefined components | count |
STAT_RSA1_AVG | Average runtime of RSA1 | ms |
STAT_SE16_AVG | Average Response Time of Transaction SE16 | ms |
STAT_SE16_CNT | Number of SE16 Transaction starts | count |
STAT_SE16_TTL | Response Time of Transaction SE16 | ms |
STAT_SE38_RESP | Response Time of Transaction SE38 | ms |
STAT_SE38_RUN | Average Runtime of reports running via SE38 | ms |
NOTE: All standard Workload Statistics KPIs have prefix STAT_*