(DI-1808) BW NetWeaver functions

(DI-1808) BW NetWeaver functions

As Fiori applications can't be accessed in all customer systems, the BW add-on provides a possibility to display some of data using SAP NetWeaver. Following data can be accessed using SAP NetWeaver:

  • Progression logs of BW add-on collectors (satellite system)
  • Data distribution analysis results
  • Other analysis results

In following sections each data access is described in more detail.

Progressing logs

The BW add-on collectors can run for multiple hours. You can see current progress of collector by running the transaction SLG1 on satellite system, where collector is currently running. In transaction provide following input parameters:

  • Object - /DVD/HS
  • Subobject - *
  • External ID - *

After pressing execute button (F8) logs of BW add-on collectors should be displayed. 


As result of SAP logging mechanism it is possible that log will not be displayed if user tries to access it at the time running process is writing records to it. In such case it is recommended to try to display logs few times to overcome this issue.

Following is example of Data distribution collector processing log.

Data distribution analysis result access

To access already analyzed data by the Data distribution analysis from SAP NetWeaver run the program '/DVD/HS_CENTRAL_VIEWER' through the SE38 transaction or the transaction /DVD/HS_SUBGVIEW on the central system (See section (DI-1808) How to define data distribution analysis on how to execute the Data distribution analysis).

  1. After execution of the '/DVD/HS_CENTRAL_VIEWER' program fill on the System ID and Data distribution ID in the displayed dialog.

  2. Data distribution analysis results are displayed in ALV table in the same format as in Fiori (If they are available for the system).

  3. By default, the result contains aggregated data for the complete time range of a collection. You can change the date filter to display the result only for a specific time range.

Other analysis result access

User can access other BW add-on analysis results using the program '/DVD/HS_CENTRAL_ANA_VIEWER' through SE38 transaction or transaction /DVD/HS_ANLVIEW on central system. Currently following analyses are capable to display their results in SAP NetWeaver:

  •  Query runtime analysis

To display analysis result on central system follow these steps:

  • Execute '/DVD/HS_CENTRAL_ANA_VIEWER' program through transaction SE38 or transaction /DVD/HS_ANLVIEW. Following screen will be displayed.

  • Click on  toolbar button.
  • Select system (source satellite system of analysis ) and analysis type that you would like to display and confirm selection. 

  • Appropriate analysis result will be displayed in ALV table on main screen.

Data distribution analysis replication to SAP GUI heatmap visualization

In former version of the product we visualizate data from Data distribution analysis in SAP GUI. As it is not always possible for customer to setup fiori version of product we enabled to see result also in standard SAP GUI. Only thing that needs to be done is replication of data collected by Data distribution analysis. Replication can be done using transaction /DVD/HS_SUBGREPL or directly report /DVD/HS_CENTRAL_REPL_SUB.

Report parameters:

System IDSystem ID used as source
Subgroup IDSubgroup ID used as source
Run IDRun ID where data will be replicated
Run ID descriptionDescription of newly created Run ID
Cost of GBCost of one GB occupied on the system
CurrencyCost currency

After successful replication data are available for further analysis using transaction /DVD/HS_ANALYZE.

Replication of data can be done only on central system after BW data usage collector (included in HMBW_1DAY monitoring profile) successfully collected and transferred analysis data from desired satellite system. You can check it by transaction /DVD/HS_SUBGVIEW with specified system ID and subgroup.

Deleting tables used in the Data distribution analysis

The report /DVD/HS_CENTRAL_DEL_SDATA can be used to delete tables used for data distribution analyses. After you run the report the below dialog appears with default settings. The default date is the system date plus one day. Data older than the this date is deleted. The Subgroup ID is by default pre-filled as STANDARD. System ID needs to be picked using the F4 help. 

Before the execution you must stop the collector with the profile HMBW_1DAY, as the following jobs cannot be active during the execution of the report.

HM_COL_[Subgroup ID]_AGG_JOB
HM_COL_[Subgroup ID]_JOB

Input parameters

Delete data in the centralData is deleted from the tables /DVD/HS_R_KPI_S and /DVD/HS_R_SUB_S in the central system based on parameters you entered in the above fields
Delete ALL - central systemAll data is deleted from the tables /DVD/HS_R_KPI_S and /DVD/HS_R_SUB_S in the central system
Delete data in the satelliteData is deleted from the tables /DVD/HS_R_KPI, /DVD/HS_R_SUB and /DVD/HS_SUB_QS in a satellite system based on parameters you entered in the above fields
Delete ALL - satellite systemAll data is deleted from the tables /DVD/HS_R_KPI, /DVD/HS_R_SUB and /DVD/HS_SUB_QS in a satellite system

After the report is executed, the result displays the amount of deleted data in all tables.