(DI-1808) Release Notes

(DI-1808) Release Notes

Core changes

- Old HeatMap license checks replaced with Insights license checks
- Changed minimum no-response timeout for Oracle and HANA systems to 10 seconds
- Possibility to export collected data for running SID
- Performance of Detail table refresh was optimized
- Predefined authorization profiles of roles are automatically regenerated with new version
- Admin role updated with new authorizations
- Added date and time to subject in notification emails
- Suppress key is based on central system ID and satellite SID
- Internal application checks were improved

SAP GUI application

- Start-up wizard
- Fiori application link in GOTO menu
- System tree context menu with options to select all below and deselect others
- Mark corresponding servers after choosing saved interval with some server KPIs
- New sorting order in Alerts tab
- New pop-up for saving intervals


- New configuration property for Fiori application link
- Restrict /DVD/MON_TABUP and /DVD/MON_TABDO on /DVD/MON tables only
- Change of the property value length to 255 characters

Fiori application

- Main application design renewed
- Increased speed of Fiori loading
- Icons with alert counts on main toolbar
- Auto-refresh every 5 minutes of alert counts on main toolbar, tile data and alert list
- New design of tiles
- Improved data range maintenance in KPI charts
- Zooming in KPI chart by selecting area
- New fields in the Alert table


- Query elements usage report
- Run times and errors in process chain steps analysis
- Determination of split characteristic for Data distribution analysis prioritized by time characteristic usage
- Disable writer error logs for Data distribution analysis
- Time range filter for Data distribution analysis
- Backup of OLAP statistics of not used part providers in query execution for Data distribution analysis

Collectors & KPIs

- Minimized count of warning and error messages from collectors
- Generic SQL collector contains security checks for performed SQL statements


- Fixed alert/anomaly setup via Fiori
- Fixed dependency of collector settings on oData
- Fixed message "ngEmial adress of user not found..." in licensing
- Fixed KPI report generator for alerts
- Fixed system size with 2 different units (kB & MB)
- Fixed domain of data element /DVD/MON_TEXT_LINE to lowercase TEXT255
- Fixed strange application behavior after recreating a Collector job
- Fixed marking of systems where alert is open after click on "Select all in alert for time range" in system tree
- Fixed missing alert subgroup after changing system selection
- Fixed search help for BADI in notifications
- Fixed of hiding KPI charts when checkbox hidden is marked in KPI definition
- Fixed quick setup of thresholds - Monitoring profile field is editable
- Fixed compatibility of SAP OSCOLL PING on SAP release 7.00
- Fixed HANA KPIs which didn't return values for hosts
- Fixed retention cleanup execution
- Fixed strange character in profile description for notifications
- Fixed green status icon for closed alerts
- Fixed SQL collector Detail table registration in Z* namespace
- Fixed restriction in alerts
- Fixed icon filtering in cockpit ALVs
- Fixed pop-up for long description in alert setup
- Fixed issue with deleting Z* alerts
- Fixed DB KPIs to return valid results