(DI-1805) KPI tree & context menu

(DI-1805) KPI tree & context menu

KPI tree

In the KPI tree, the list of KPIs is divided into logical groups and each group can contain subgroups. You can add a specific KPI to one or more groups by clicking on the  button in the toolbar, which navigates you into the KPI group maintenance. The KPI maintenance is described in a separate section under KPI Definitions.

The main group in the KPI tree is called All KPI. This group contains all base groups and all KPIs, which aren't associated to any group.


  Figure 72: KPI tree

Nodes in a KPI tree have either an active or an inactive status. A KPI node is inactive, when the KPI values for the selected systems and servers, weren't measured in a selected time interval. Inactive KPI group node occurs, when all KPIs are inactive in a group and their sub-groups.
In the KPI mix tab, an active KPI node is displayed as a checkbox. Only checked KPIs are processed by the KPI mixer. More details about this functionality are described in separate section KPI mix tab.

Tree Context Menu 

The KPI tree provides two types of context menus when the user right clicks on the KPI tree node.

  1. Folder context menu - provides functionality to select/deselect all KPIs assigned to this folder and also for its sub-folders. It is useful mainly in the KPI Mix tab, where you can select/unselect KPI nodes. 
  2. KPI context menu - provides default set of functions which can be executed over each KPI. The functionality 'Detail table(s)' is available only when any detail table exist for selected KPI. When not, this functionality is not visible. All functions are explained in next chapter.

KPI Context Menu

Suggest KPI

Suggest KPI opens an email communication where you can send a new KPI definition suggestion to the support team or any other recipient.

KPI Info

KPI Info displays a pop-up window with basic information about selected KPI (e.g. KPI name, description, unit).

Find correlated KPI(s)

This menu item consists of sub-menu with selected systems or servers in the System tree. The content of this sub-menu depends on whether the selected KPI is defined as a System or Server KPI. It means that when the user selects a System KPI, only selected systems from System tree will be available. Otherwise there will be only available the selected servers.

After the system or server selection, the correlation functionality is executed. This functionality calculates the correlation coefficients for all relevant KPIs which have the same period of collection (e.g. 5 min) and have at least two collected values in the checking time period. Correlation coefficients have the values from the interval < -1;1 >. The closer is the coefficient to the value = abs(1) then more correlating KPI is. By default, only first twenty most correlating KPIs which have the coefficient greater then 0.7, are displayed. The list of all found correlating KPIs are displayed in the KPI Mix tab (when no correlating KPI is found then only selected KPI is displayed in KPI mixer).

Set threshold

Set threshold helps you to create a new alert definition for a KPI. When this functionality is selected, a pop-up with predefined values is displayed. When you set a new threshold value (if predefined values don't need to be changed) and a new alert definition is created in customizing with the relevant KPI assignment. All alerts generated this way have the following naming: X<KPI_NAME(21)><(NUMBER(10)> (e.g. XCPU_LOAD5_PMAX0000000046). 

The long description of a threshold can be added through the button Long Description and the entered text is saved after you close the window.

Threshold can be changed also through the context menu.

If the threshold is not set up, the Setup threshold option is displayed in context menu.

If the threshold is set up, the Change threshold option is displayed. Here you can edit existing thresholds or create a new one.

Report Incident

This item just helps users to jump directly into the Incident Management.