(Glue-2308) Replication to Delta Lake
SAP data could also be replicated into delta lake files only on Binary storages which support parquet files.
Proceed as follows to set it up.
Delta Lake integration setup
Set profile
The following parameters should be set in SNP Glue™ Profile Settings:
Use file type PARQUET.
Select Create Delta Lake metadata in the file settings.
SNP Glue™ table setting
When setting a Storage ID the File storage options button is displayed. Select a specific profile created above or check Custom options. Here is also required to use the PARQUET file type and check Create Delta Lake metadata.
Metadata files
Additional metadata files are created in the Glue table directory. Under directory _delta_log, there are JSON files containing information for Delta Lake, such as CREATE TABLE also with the table schema, or WRITE with a list of created files.