(Glue-2308) SNP Glue™ Central Instance

Transaction code: /DVD/GL_CI

Glue Central instance is used for the remote administration of Glue processes. It displays an overview of Extraction processes, Glue queues, Glue watchdogs, and requests.

Based on advanced filtering, it is possible to view created Extraction processes on the remote system and then run the extraction with the selected variant.

The monitor section contains a list of all run processes.

Description of functions

The Glue Central instance window is composed of three parts.

  1. Settings panel.

  2. List of systems.

  3. Main window with data.

Glue Central instance window


Manage systems

By clicking on the Manage systems button it is possible to add, delete or change the system from which the data are retrieved.

Manage systems button


Parts of the displayed table after clicking:

  • System name.

    • Name of the system which is displayed in the list of systems.

    • User-defined.

  • RFC-Destination

    • RFC destination of system.

  • Display Queues

    • Option if Glue Queues should be displayed.

  • Display Watchdogs

    • Option if Glue Watchdogs should be displayed.

Manage systems table


Choosing system

The desired system is selected by expanding the arrow next to its name in the tree. Then, the desired window is selected.

Choose a system



In the Overview window, it is possible to see basic information about Glue objects and Requests.

Extraction processes

On the Extraction processes page, it is possible to see and run all extraction processes on the selected system and see all run processes.

Extraction processes part



The filter function allows to filter extraction processes and run processes.

Filling in the Package, Extraction object name, Date, or Limit fields and pressing the Filter button, only the required records are displayed in the table.

Filter function


Object list

The Object list tab displays all Extraction processes on the selected system.

Object list tab


Extraction process run

The Extraction process is run by selecting a process from the table, clicking the Run extraction process button, selecting a variant, and clicking the Okay button.

Run extraction process



Monitor tab show run extraction processes and their status.

Monitor tab


Display logs

Display logs button displays the application log of the running process.

Display log button


Application log window


Job logs

Job logs button displays the job log of the run process.

Job log button


Job log window

Glue Queues

Not yet implemented.

Glue Watchdogs

Not yet implemented.