(DI-2208) Collector for RFC ping tests

The collector for RFC ping tests is named: /DVD/MON_CL_COL_RFC

It collects KPIs about RFC ping tests. The KPIs are defined via KPI definition and input table /DVD/MON_RFC_I1 with the following fields:

System ID

System ID

RFC destination

Logical Destination 

Connection test

Should be a test connection?

Authorization test

Should be test authorization?

Ping test

Should be a test server ping?

Change by user

Last change by user [automatically filled]

Change date

Last change date [automatically filled]

Created_byCreated By User [automatically filled]
Created_atCreated At [automatically filled]

All three test groups (Connection, Authorization, Ping) make sense only when set for ABAP (3) and Internal (I) Connections. For TCP/IP (T) and HTTP Connections (G/H), the collector executes only the Connection test (Authorization and Ping tests are automatically excluded also when set in the Input table).

Other RFC connection types are not supported.  

Some KPIs are provided in standard delivery with the collector as examples:

KPI name




Number of failed RFC tests - RFC check with authorization



Number of failed RFC tests - RFC check without authorization



Number of failed RFC tests - ping server IP


NOTE: All standard RFC ping test KPIs have prefix RFC_IN_*