(DI-2205) The Complete Process of Custom KPI Creation and Data Collection

In this chapter, you will find an overview of the process of custom KPI creation and data collection. The complete process guides you through the individual steps and helps you to create a custom KPI according to your preferences.

Table of Contents:

I. Check default and custom KPIs

Before you create a custom KPI, you should first check whether the default or custom KPIs don't already track values that are important for you.
You should check: 

  • Default KPIs

KPIs delivered to you with CrystalBridge® Monitoring. You may find all information about default KPIs and also the list of all delivered default KPIs in the chapter (DI-2205) Default KPIs.

  • Custom KPIs

KPIs that you or other users created before. The technical name of these KPIs starts with a capital Z or Y.

You can display a list of both default a custom KPIs, as described in the section (DI-2205) Display KPIs.

We recommend you check whether the existing KPI is already monitored. Instructions on how to check whether the KPI is monitored can be found in the chapter (DI-2205) Check If a KPI Is Monitored.

If you find a KPI which fulfills your requirements, you don't have to create a custom KPI. If not, follow the instructions in the following points:

II. Create a custom KPI

There are several ways how to create a custom KPI:

  • Create a KPI from an existing KPI based on a calculation function
  • Create a KPI through a SQL select statement
  • Create a KPI in the Collectors with a Custom KPI
  • Create a KPI with a Custom collector in ABAP

Please see a full description of the KPI creation methods and their dependencies on the collectors in the chapter (DI-2205) Create a Custom KPI

Create Detail tables for Custom collectors or the Collector for user-defined SQL (optional)

A Detail table is a specific table of a collector, which contains further information of a KPI. For more information see the chapter (DI-2205) KPI Details Displayed in a Detail Table.

III. Define a monitoring profile for a KPI

Defining a monitoring profile enables you to group several KPIs together and monitor them at once.
You may create new profiles or maintain existing profiles.

For more information see the chapter (DI-2205) Define a Monitoring Profile for a KPI

IV. Schedule the monitoring of KPIs

For more information see the chapter (DI-2205) Schedule the Monitoring of KPIs.