(Glue-2105) FIFO extraction - advanced tools
When to use:
After upgrade of Datavard Glue to version 2012.21 or newer from a version older than 2012.21
There are non-empty FIFO queues on the system
From release version 2012.21 onward, there was a change in the locking mechanism of FIFO packages.
This change requires adjustment of metadata for existing FIFO packages, which is done through report /DVD/GL_EXT2_FIFO_CNVRT_STATUS. If all FIFO queues are empty during the upgrade process, no action is required.
When to use:
After failed extraction, if there are some FIFO packages stuck in the Processing state
FIFO Queue Name - the name of the FIFO Queue that needs to be fixed
FIFO Queue Subscriber (optional) - restrict to a specific subscriber, otherwise, all subscribers are refreshed
This report is used to refresh FIFO packages stuck in the Processing state back to the Ready state (e.g. in case of a short dump).