(DV-2011) Table Settings
(DV-2011) Table Settings
Table RowCount Precise Compare
- If this option is set to 'X' RowCount columns in Table variant images will be compared without the use of acceptable threshold differences.
Table Decimal Places Precision
- Number of decimal places to be displayed/compared in the Table testing scenario. Possible values: 0 to 14.
Max. disp. Table row count
- Maximum lines to be displayed at once in Table testing scenario 'Display results' steps
Max. Table image row size
- Maximum number of rows that will be saved during the creation of a Table image. If this threshold is reached no more rows are saved and the image creation ends with an error. This is a safety check to prevent eating up too many resources with non-defined variants. The default value is 500.000 rows. Max. allowed value is 20.000.000 rows, anything greater will be overwritten by default value during execution.
Table Compare Threshold
- Threshold value for the Table output comparison. If a difference between the Before/After image values is smaller than this threshold then the comparison is evaluated as correct. Possible values are float values greater than 0.
Table Relative Threshold
- Threshold value for Table output comparison. If the difference between Before the After image values is smaller than this threshold, the comparison is evaluated as correct. Possible values are float values greater than 0.
Table Own Aggregation
- If this option is set to 'X' Validate uses own aggregation instead of DB aggregation during image creation. This option should be used when standard aggregation fails (e.g. numeric overflows).
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