(SP-17) Transport of group and group settings

(SP-17) Transport of group and group settings

OutBoard Transport of Group functionality helps if the definition of group, group settings or some of the created DAPs might be re-used. This option is available in the Application Bar → Transport (Ctrl + F10). There are these transport options:

  • Transport of group InfoProviders: The definition of Group and all names of InfoProvider belonging to group will be transported.
  • Transport of group settings: The settings corresponding to the group will be transported.
  • Transport of selected DAPs: The DAPs belonging to the selected InfoProviders will be transported. By DAP reactivation the package in the settings will be not assigned (user has to do it manually).
  • Transport of selected Variants: The Variants belonging to the selected InfoProviders will be transported.
  • Transport of Ageing profile Assignment: Ageing profile settings assigned to the group that will be transported.

Please do not transport DAPs of an InfoProvider to another system, if archiving runs on this InfoProvider.

Mass Archiving - Transport of Group

After confirming, the user has to specify the transport – if a transport request for some of the InfoProviders in the group exists, the one corresponding to the InfoProvider with the highest Priority will be offered.

BAdI for System openness:

A new BAdI can be implemented in OutBoard Enhancements in the area of Mass archiving, to assign all objects created here in the $TMP package automatically; using  /DVD/NLS_EH_TR_SYS_CLOSED. This BAdI implementation has only one output parameter:

  • eb_sys_closed

When the output parameter has the value is 'X', the BAdI is implemented so the system has closed all developments in the area of mass archiving, meaning that the package can only be assigned to the $TMP package and the created objects in Mass archiving cannot be transported further.
If no value is in place for the output parameter, mass archiving objects can be assigned to any package.

BAdI Output Parameter ' ' (no value)

Mass archiving dummy variant

In Mass archiving it is now possible to create a "dummy variant". The purpose of this variant is to define the lower limitation for an Initial run. After defining the parameter DUMMY_VARIANT_DATE in OutBoard settings, this value will be used as a lower limitation for Initial run in Mass archiving. Date should be set in format YYYYMMDD. Minimal value for the dummy date is 19010102.

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