(SP-17) Initial Run

Create Initial Run

To create Initial Run edit Technical settings → Initial Run tab and click the button Create Initial Run.

Initial Run was created, Initial Run Status is visible

Refresh the screen to watch the progress – the Initial Run for each InfoProvider will be created. Each InfoProvider has its own Initial Run list of archiving variants with specific Initial Run number – to see this list click on the field in the table of InfoProviders with the Initial run number.

Displaying Initial Run Archiving Variants

In this table can be found: the exact number of archiving requests, which will be created by the start of Initial run and also specified data, which will be archived (see fields Unit of Time Shift, Unit for Rounding the Time Shift, Shift to Current Time). When a user starts Initial Run, the values of fields State, Start date, Start time, End date, End time, Abs. Archive Date for each archiving variant will be updated using the exact time of start and end. By clicking on the name of Archiving Variant the user can see its details:

Mass archiving variant details

Reset Initial Run

To create a new Initial Run for the group, the old Initial run has to be reset first. To reset Initial Run select InfoProviders and go to Actions → Initial Run → Reset Run (Ctrl + F6). The Run will be reset.

Reseting Initial Run

Start Initial Run

When you start Initial Run, archiving requests will be created and executed. During the startup two popups will ask for needed information:

  • The first standard popup is for information about when the archiving should be started
  • The second is to get the information about application server and where the process should be started.(if multiple application servers are available)

Application server for Mass Archiving

When archiving is started, refresh the screen to watch the progress of the run.

Mass archiving - Initial Run start

There are logs available for each Initial Run after it was started. Clicking on the Status icon in the table of InfoProviders, to see InfoProvider specific logs. A user will step into the following screen:

Mass archiving - InfoProvider logs

Specify the selection for logs to be displayed, execute and check the result.

Mass Archiving failure - problematic InfoProvider

If an Archiving process fails during mass archiving of an InfoProvider, there will be no more mass archiving processes for that particular InfoProvider until the issue has been fixed. Once the problem has been fixed the archiving process will need to be restarted.

Mass archiving failure

Reset Initial Run or the Initial Run Status

To reset the Status of Initial Run or the Run Status the user has to select some InfoProviders and then proceed to Actions → Initial Run → Reset Run (Ctrl+F6) or Reset Run Status (Ctrl+R7).

Reset Run or only Run Status

  • Reset Run: The user will delete created Runs and Variants and after resetting will be able to create new ones
  • Reset Run Status: The status of Run changes to "Created" ( ) and the Run can be restarted again