(DI-1902) Collector for VF - Code profiler

(DI-1902) Collector for VF - Code profiler

The collector for virtual forge - code profiler is named: /DVD/MON_VF_CL_COL_CP
The KPIs are defined via KPI definition and input table /DVD/MON_VF_CCFG.
Input table /DVD/MON_VF_CCFG sets extended KPI definition with following fields:

Rule numberKPI rule number
App levelApproval Level
Find typeFinding Type
TC domainTest Case Domain
TC nameTest Case name
StatusFinding status
Source typeFinding source type
ObjectObject Type
Object nameObject Name in Object Directory
PU typeProgram Unit Type
PU nameProgram Unit Name
Add to detailAdd relevant records to details
ActiveIs KPI rule active?
Changed byLast changed by user [automatically filled]
Changed atLast changed date [automatically filled]
Created byCreated by user [automatically filled]
Created atCreated date [automatically filled]

In collector parameters needs to be defined:

Parameter name



CodeProfiler Scenario Name

The collector provides also detailed output in detail table for relevant KPIs. The detail table is called: VirtualForge CF findings - /DVD/MON_VF_S_DETAIL_FINDIN with following fields:

Test Case Domain


Test Case Name
Object type
Object Name in Object Directory
Program Unit Type
Program Unit Name
CodeProfiler Scenario Name
KPI name

Some KPIs are provided in standard delivery with collector as examples:

KPI name




Missing AUTHORITY-CHECK in Reports

VFORGE_CP_DB_MODDirect Database Modification
VFORGE_CP_INJECTABAP Command injection
VFORGE_CP_OS_INJOS Command Injection
VF_TD_COMPCP Test Domain: Compliance findings
VF_TD_DLPCP Test Domain: Data-Loss Prevention findings
VF_TD_MNTCP Test Domain: Maintainability findings
VF_TD_PERFCP Test Domain: Performance findings
VF_TD_ROBCP Test Domain: Robustness findings
VF_TD_SECURCP Test Domain: Security findings