(DI-1902) Collector for application logs

(DI-1902) Collector for application logs

The collector for application logs is named: /DVD/MON_CL_COL_APPLOG

It collects KPIs about application logs. The KPIs are defined via KPI definition and input table /DVD/MON_ALOG_I1.

Input table /DVD/MON_ALOG_I1 sets extended KPI definition with following fields:

Log object

Object name

Log subobjectSubobject
Msg typeMessage type
Msg ClassMessage Class
Msg numberMessage number
Prog nameProgram name
TcodeTransaction code
Add to detailAdd relevant records to details
Changed byLast changed by user [automatically filled]
Changed atLast changed at [automatically filled]
Created byCreated by user [automatically filled]
Created atCreated at [automatically filled]

Input table fields supports wildcard and if field is empty it is like *.

The collector provides also detailed output in detail table for relevant KPIs. The detail table is called: Application logs - /DVD/MON_S_APPLOG_DETAILS with following fields:

Log objectObject name
Log subobjectSubobject
ProgramProgram name
TcodeTransaction code
Msg tyoeMessage type
Msg IDMessage class
Msg numMessage number

Some KPIs are provided in standard delivery with collector as examples:

KPI name




Number of application logs
