(GLUE-1812) Manage extractor

You can choose Manage option for the specific extractor to access detailed information about extractor.

  • Extractor Definition - contains the name of extractor, his description, type, package in which is saved, delta type, and dates of creations and last change
  • Extractor Request Browser - shows table with all executions of variants created for selected extractor

One line of the table corresponds to one execution with detailed information. 

The following data is available:

  • Glue request - unique identificator of execution
  • Status - status of execution (Success/Error/Warning/...)
  • Delta type - FULL (full execution was performed) or DELTA (performed was execution based on delta type of extractor)
  • Variant description - description of a variant
  • Variant name - the name of a variant
  • User Name - the name of a user
  • Lines read - a number of readied lines
  • Lines transferred - number of transferred lines
  • Start Date - start date of execution
  • Start Time - start time of execution
  • End Date - end date of execution
  • End Time - end time of execution

You can click on Logs icon in Logs column to see detailed job logs for execution. There is displayed a type and a message text for each job, like readied variant, extractor, table, etc,..., start time of extraction, name of start and target table, information about variant, chosen storage, information about loaded and inserted records, status of extraction and end time of extraction.

Extractor Request Browser contains besides the table with the executions also another two buttons. You can refresh all extractions with the Refresh button. This can be useful for you to monitor changes for the running extraction. Also, click to button Delete Request to delete the extracted data in a selected row. This functionality is recommended for deletion of corrupted data. Functionality of extractor delta types is not influenced by this action.