(Glue-2502)Glue SLG
Transaction /DVD/GL_SLG.
SNP Glue™ SLG is used to display and filter SAP application logs.
Filter application logs
Object: Represents the application log object name. To display logs from all objects, place a “*“ value in this field.
Subobject: Represents the application log object's subobject, and is associated with the object field. To display logs from all subobjects, place a “*“ value in this field.
External ID: An ID that can be assigned to a particular application program. To display logs from all external IDs, place a “*“ value in this field.
Time restriction
Split read phase by: When filled, the read phase will be split into intervals according to the values provided below to avoid loading a large volume of data into memory.
Job Log Status
Possibility to filter application logs by status.
Job Logs contain
Possibility to filter application logs by containing a specified pattern in log messages.
Log Class
Possibility to filter application logs by application log class.