(Glue-2502) Glue Workbench
Transaction /DVD/GL_WB2.
SNP Glue Workbench is used for managing Glue objects.
Glue Workbench
Filter processes
Processes can be filtered by package, folder, and extraction process. The asterisk ( * ) character indicates select all.
Filter input fields
Every input field has a search-help option, which depends on values filled upper (e.g. if the user clicks on search-help for the extraction process and in previous fields are asterisks, extraction processes in all packages and all folders are selected).
The filter function is run after clicking on the button Filter and suitable processes are shown in the table below.
Filter extraction processes
Table with extraction processes
The table shows the status (1), name (2), and description (3) of extraction processes.
Table of extraction processes
If more information is necessary, the user can change the layout and also shows the package, folder, created by, and created on.
Change the layout of the table
Choose layout fields
Open extraction process
The extraction process can be opened with a double click on the process in the table. This action also shows the consumer and fetcher assigned to the extraction process.
Open extraction process
Opened extraction process
Actions for opened object
Available options for opened objects are:
Check object
Run extraction (available only if the Extraction process tab is selected)
Object generation
Actions for object
Selected action affects only the object selected on the tab strip.