(Glue-2502)Glue Trigger Scheduler

(Glue-2502)Glue Trigger Scheduler

Glue Trigger Scheduler executes extractions that use SAP table fetcher based on Trigger delta. Selected Extraction processes are executed based on chosen settings. By default, if Glue triggers are not activated first, Full load and Delta Initialization are executed and then the delta replication will start. If you check the option Skip initial full load, only Delta loads will be executed.

The trigger type Schedule will utilize one background work process to run as a daemon. This Schedule job (daemon) will watch for any creates/updates/deletes to any of the tables listed in the schedule itself (e.g. if there are 10 extraction processes in one trigger schedule, the one daemon will watch for changes in all 10 tables). The "number of jobs" setting in the Schedule will allow up to that number of background processes to be utilized for delta loads. So, if the "number of jobs" setting is set to 5, then the max number of delta background processes would be 5. Including the daemon background process would equal the maximum number of background processes in this scenario to 6.


Package size (MB)

Size in MB of one package transferred during Extraction Process execution (used only if a variant is not set)

Max number of jobs

Maximum number of jobs that can be used by the scheduler (scheduler job not included)

Max jobs used for full loads (%)

Percentage of jobs that can be used for full loads (so the delta execution is not blocked for longer periods)

Skip the initial full load

When checking only delta loads will be executed

ALV grid

List of Extraction Processes processed by the scheduler

ALV Grid

Extraction Process: Name of Extraction Process object.

Variant (optional): When specified, the Extraction Process will be executed with the chosen Variant.

Overwrite variant: The parameter Package size value provided on the Scheduler screen will be used over the value of the parameter Package size that the variant stores. If the Overwrite variant is filled, it will also affect the Load type parameter of the Extraction process.

Trigger status: Status of triggers created on the source table.

Last start: Date and time of the last start of extraction.

Status: The icon is displayed in case the extraction is running.

Load mode: Load mode of the last executed extraction.