(Glue-2502) Logical Folders in Object Navigator Tree
The distribution of objects in Object Navigator’s tree can be changed by setting Enable Logical Folders in Object navigator in SNP Glue Settings. By enabling this setting all packages will have a default folder in which all objects are placed.
When this setting is enabled every package in the tree has an additional option in the floating menu Create folder.
By clicking this option a popup will be displayed which will allow you to create a folder within the package that was selected.
After filling in the mandatory parameters Folder name and Folder description and confirming the popup, a new folder will be created within the package that was selected.
There is an option to Change package in the floating menu for SNP Glue objects. This allows users to move objects to any folder or package. Users can select multiple SNP Glue objects and move all of them.
Change package popup has a list box of all folders available within a selected package.
By confirming the popup, all selected objects will be moved to the desired folder.
By choosing a folder from the context menu, the user can create a selection of SNP Glue objects.
A newly created object will be automatically assigned to this folder.
Manually created folders can also be deleted. After selecting this option from the floating menu of the folder, a popup will inform the user that all objects assigned to this folder will be moved back to the default folder.
Note: Default folders cannot be deleted.