(Glue-2502) Create SNP Glue Table

(Glue-2502) Create SNP Glue Table

To create SNP Glue table

Step 1: Create SNP Glue table definition

  1. Run the transaction /DVD/GL11 to open Data Dictionary.
  2. Enter the name of a new table and click Create.

  3. Enter the description of the table in Short Description.
  4. Under the Attributes tab fill in the following fields based on your preference:
    • Enable update (optional): Simulates the update operation for tables on storages that do not support the update operation. More information can be found in the section Enable update.
    • Table name (optional): Use different name of the table on storage
  5. Choose, if you prefer transparent or binary storage for the target table: 

Step 2: Insert fields manually or import them from an existing SAP DDIC table, an InfoProvider, a file, or a BEx Query/View 

You can either manually insert fields or import them from an existing SAP DDIC table, an InfoProvider, a file, or a BEx Query/BEx Query View. You may define the fields (columns) of a new table. 

a. Import fields from an existing SAP table

To generate the field structure of the SNP Glue table based on an existing SAP DDIC table, an InfoProvider, a file, or a BEx Query/View

  1. Select the Fields tab.
  2. Select Import Fields. (Field names, data elements, types, lengths, and descriptions are imported from the selected source.)
    1. To import fields from a table, mark From table.
    2. To import fields from an InfoProvider, mark From InfoProvider.
    3. To import fields from a file, mark From File.
    4. To import fields from a BEx Query or a BEx Query View, mark Bex Query/View. The program then automatically finds out which type of object is specified in the corresponding parameter. It finds out whether it is a BEx Query or a BEx Query View and it translates query elements to the DDIC fields form.

      If you cannot import fields from BEx Query or BEx Query View due to unsupported structure (e.g. Characteristics in columns (axis X), enabled Hierarchy or multiple structures in rows (axis Y)), adjust your query in BEx Query Analyzer or Query Monitor (TCODE RSRT), save it as Query View and use it to import the fields.

    5. To import fields from a Datasource, select Datasource.

  3. You can use standard SAP field names or meaningful ones. To use the meaningful fields select Use meaningful fields. More information can be found in the section Meaningful fields.

An example of imported fields.


In case the source table contains RAW fields, the type RAW is replaced with data element /DVD/GL_RAW_STRG, which can be added to the data element mapping in the /DVD/SM_SETUP transaction.

b. Insert fields manually 

If you choose to manually insert fields

  1. Select the Fields tab.
  2. To insert or append a new field, click Insert or Append row.
  3. Fill in:
  • Field name: Name of the field
  • Key field: Select if it is a key field

The total number of characters for the primary Key field value is restricted to 338.

  • Data element
  • Data Type: Automatically filled according to the Data element or you can set it up manually by clicking Data Type/Element specification . You can then manually specify the Data Type, Length, Decimal Places, Short text.

The following data types are not supported when you create the SNP Glue table: LRAW, RAW, RSTR, VARC, RAWSTRING. These data types will be replaced by the data element /DVD/GL_RAW_STRG.

  • Partitioning:  You may set the partitioning for fields, based on which data is distributed into blocks during the extraction. This step enables you to modify the data grouped in these blocks. By default, the partitioning is set on the GLREQUEST field.

If you use a Hive or an Impala storage, keep in mind which fields you choose for Partitioning. Selecting too granular data for partitioning may decrease the performance and stability of the whole cluster.

  • Reference Fieldname: The reference field for Data enrichment contains the name of the field with original values. More information can be found in the section Data Enrichment.
  • To delete a row, highlight the particular row and click Delete Row. You may view the following ALV operations:
  • Add fields button:
    • After clicking on this button, a pop-up appears where you can select the field that will be added to the table. The following options are available: 
      • Deletion flag: Appends a field GLDELFLAG with data element /DVD/GL_DELFLAG (CHAR1), which will be automatically detected in the Extraction Process and Delete flag transfer rule assigned.
      • Glue change time
      • Glue commit time (in case that storage is type Snowflake)
      • Google Cortex field (in case that storage is type Google BigQuery or Google BigQuery Streaming)

4. Save: You can save the table anytime during your work. All actions you have made so far are performed on the SAP side and have no effect on the Hadoop system.

5. If the table was not saved before, the system will ask you to fill in the Package.

6. Activate: Only after you activate the SNP Glue table, it is created on external storage (for example Hadoop). The activation of the SNP Glue table does not influence other SNP Glue components.

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