(Glue-2411) SNP Glue Objects Generation

(Glue-2411) SNP Glue Objects Generation

SNP Glue Objects Generation is a tool that is used to generate multiple extraction objects from multiple sources which can be SAP tables, InfoCubes, DSOs, ADSOs, or ODP. This functionality is available via transaction code /DVD/GL_OBJ_GEN.

In this section:

Currently, only the generation of SNP Glue tables, SNP Glue queues, Extractor 1.0 objects, and Extractor 2.0 objects are supported.

The main screen is divided into multiple sections. Each section is dedicated to specifying parameters for different objects or functionality settings. You can find Source selection, SNP Glue table generation, SNP Glue queue generation, Extractor generation, Extractor 2.0 generation, and Settings parameters on the main screen.

Source selection

This section specifies the list of source objects for which we want to generate SNP Glue objects. You need to select the object type and then an option specifying the selection of objects.

For internal SAP objects

For external tables



  • Source type: Defines the type of all objects specified by the selection. SAP tables, InfoCubes, Tables from External storage, DSOs, ADSOs, and ODP are available.

  • Storage ID (only for External): Defines the storage ID from storage management where the External table is located.

  • Table is View (only for External): Defines if the table on external storage is/isn’t view.

  • Context (only for ODP): Defines the name of the ODP Context also known as Provider in Monitor Delta Queues.

SNP Glue table generation

This section specifies the way SNP Glue tables should be generated. The selection can be adjusted by double-clicking the row in ALV Grid and adjusting values in the Settings section.


  • Name prefix: Prefix of the SNP Glue table, e.g. if ZGL_ is entered, the SNP Glue table with the name ZGL_MAKT will be generated for SAP table MAKT (generally, the SNP Glue table name consists of <PREFIX>+<TABLE_NAME>+<SUFFIX>).

  • Name suffix: Suffix of the SNP Glue table, e.g. if _TAB is entered, the SNP Glue table with the name MAKT_TAB will be generated for SAP table MAKT (generally, the SNP Glue table name consists of <PREFIX>+<TABLE_NAME>+<SUFFIX>).

  • Package: Package in which you want to save your generated objects.

  • Folder: Folder in which you want to save your generated objects. Only available if allowed in SNP Glue settings (/dvd/gl_sett). If the folder does not exist, it will be generated.

  • Storage ID: Target storage ID.

  • Meaningful fields: Flag indicating whether Meaningful fields functionality should be used.

  • Add deletion flag: Flag will add a field for the deletion flag.

  • Do not activate: Only objects with status saved will be generated when checked.

  • Google Cloud Cortex: Only displayed for Google BigQuery and Google BigQuery Streaming storage types. The flag will add Google Cloud Cortex-specific fields RECORDSTAMP, OPERATION_FLAG, IS_DELETED into Glue Table. More information can be found in the chapter Google Cloud Cortex integration.

  • Table Name (Optional): Only displayed for Google BigQuery, Google BigQuery Streaming, Kafka and Snowflake storages. The name of the database table that will be created on the storage. The field could contain the following placeholders:

    • <SOURCE_OBJ_NAME>: Will be replaced with the source object name in uppercase.

    • <SOURCE_OBJ_NAME_LC>: Will be replaced with the source object name in lowercase.

  • Add SNP Glue request field: When checked, the field GLREQUEST will be added to the SNP Glue table structure.

  • Set SNP Glue request as key: When checked, the field GLREQUEST will be a part of the primary key in the SNP Glue table structure.

  • Settings for binary storage: Setting specific for binary storage. These settings will be ignored when transparent storage is used. More information can be found in the chapter File storage options.

Storage ID is a mandatory parameter. You can use F4 help to select a valid value for these parameters.

For more information about SNP Glue tables, see the following page Create SNP Glue Table.

Be aware that not all storages allow the name of the SNP Glue table with a non-alphabetical character at the beginning.

SNP Glue queue generation

This section specifies the way the SNP Glue queue should be generated. The selection can be adjusted by double-clicking the row in ALV Grid and adjusting values in the Settings section.


  • Name prefix: Prefix of the SNP Glue queue, e.g. if ZGL_ is entered, the SNP Glue queue with a name starting with ZGL_ will be generated (generally, the SNP Glue queue name consists of <PREFIX>+<TABLE_NAME>+<SUFFIX>).

  • Name suffix: Suffix of the SNP Glue queue. E.g. if _Q is entered, the SNP Glue queue with a name ending with _Q will be generated (generally, the SNP Glue queue name consists of <PREFIX>+<TABLE_NAME>+<SUFFIX>).

  • Package: Package in which you want to save your generated objects.

  • Folder: Folder in which you want to save your generated objects. Only available if allowed in SNP Glue settings (/dvd/gl_sett). If the folder does not exist, it will be generated.

  • Source object type: Type of the source object

    • DDIC: DDIC object

    • GL_TAB: SNP Glue table

    • QUEUE: SNP Glue Queue object

  • Source object ID: For the DDIC source object type the value should be 0. This is automatically added after entering the DDIC source type and pressing enter.

Extractor generation

This section specifies the way SNP Glue Extractor objects should be generated. The selection can be adjusted by double-clicking the row in ALV Grid and adjusting values in the Settings section.


  • Name prefix: Prefix of the Extractor 1.0 object, e.g. if ZGL_ is entered, the Extractor object with a name starting with ZGL_ will be generated (generally, the SNP Glue table name consists of <PREFIX>+<TABLE_NAME>+<SUFFIX>).

  • Name suffix: Suffix of the Extractor 1.0 object, e.g. if _TAB is entered, the Extractor object with a name ending with _TAB will be generated (generally, the SNP Glue table name consists of <PREFIX>+<TABLE_NAME>+<SUFFIX>).

  • Package: Package in which you want to save your generated objects.

  • Target SNP Glue table ID: ID of generated SNP Glue table which will be set as a target. (This is the ID from the SNP Glue table generation section)

  • Delta type: Delta type used for data extraction.

    • Read deleted entries: When checked with Trigger delta, extraction will also transfer deleted records.

  • Skip initial full load: When checked, the initial extraction will transfer no data. Just delta will be initialized.

  • Truncate target table: When checked, the target table will be truncated (data will be deleted) before each extraction.

  • Mark key fields for selection: When checked, the fields from the primary key will be used for selection in SNP Glue Variants.

  • Do not activate: Only objects with status saved will be generated when checked.

  • Variant prefix: Prefix of the Variant (generally, the SNP Glue Variant name consists of <PREFIX>+<TABLE_NAME>+<SUFFIX>).

  • Variant suffix: Suffix of the Variant (generally, the SNP Glue Variant name consists of <PREFIX>+<TABLE_NAME>+<SUFFIX>).

  • Variant package size: Package size used for SNP Glue Variant. This parameter specifies the number of rows transferred to the target storage within a single package.

Extractor 2.0 generation

This section specifies the way SNP Glue Extractor 2.0 objects should be generated. The selection can be adjusted by double-clicking the row in ALV Grid and adjusting values in the Settings section.


All parameters are divided into 4 sections:

  • Name prefix: Prefix of the Extractor 2.0 object E.g. if ZGL_ is entered, the Extractor 2.0 objects with a name starting with ZGL_ will be generated (generally, the SNP Glue table name consists of <PREFIX>+<TABLE_NAME>+<SUFFIX>).

  • Package: Package in which you want to save your generated objects.

  • Folder: Folder in which you want to save your generated objects. Only available if allowed in SNP Glue settings (/dvd/gl_sett). If the folder does not exist, it will be generated.

  • Source object type: Type of the source object

    • DDIC: DDIC object

    • GL_TAB: SNP Glue table

    • QUEUE: SNP Glue Queue object

  • Source object ID: For the DDIC source object type the value should be “0”. This is automatically added after entering the DDIC source type and pressing enter.

  • Target object type: Type of the target object

    • GL_TAB: SNP Glue Table

    • QUEUE: SNP Glue Queue object

  • Target object ID: ID of a generated object which will be set as a target (this is the ID from the SNP Glue table generation section).

  • Do not activate: Only objects with status saved will be generated when checked.

  • Name suffix: Suffix of the Extractor 2.0 Fetcher. E.g. if _F is entered, the Fetcher with a name ending with _F will be generated (generally, the SNP Glue table name consists of <PREFIX>+<TABLE_NAME>+<SUFFIX>).

  • Delta type: Delta type used for data extraction.

    • Read deleted entries: When checked with Trigger delta, extraction will also transfer deleted records.

  • Use deduplication: When checked, it removes duplicate values from a single data load, keeping only the latest value for each record. Relevant only to the ADSO source.

  • Mark key fields for selection: When checked, selected fields from the primary key will be used for selection in SNP Glue Variants.

  • Read all clients: Checkbox to fetch data from the SAP table for all clients, the table must have the MANDT field.

  • Use DB aggregation (relevant only for InfoCube): Checkbox for using Database aggregation.

  • Use CUBE aggregates (relevant only for InfoCube): Checkbox for using InfoCube aggregates.

  • Subscriber name (relevant only for ODP): Name of the ODQ subscriber, default is SNP GLUE.

  • Subscriber process (relevant only for ODP): Name of the subscriber process, default is SNP_PROCESS.

  • Execution mode (relevant only for ODP): Mode of the execution can also be changed in the extraction process execution screen.

SNP Glue Table Consumer
  • Name suffix: Suffix of the Extractor 2.0 SNP Glue Table Consumer. E.g. if _C is entered, the Consumer with a name ending with _C will be generated (generally, the SNP Glue table name consists of <PREFIX>+<TABLE_NAME>+<SUFFIX>).

  • Enable merge: This flag enables merge functionality in the Consumer.

Extraction Process
  • Name suffix: Suffix of the Extractor 2.0 Extraction Process. E.g. if _P is entered, the Extraction Process with a name ending with _P will be generated (generally, the SNP Glue table name consists of <PREFIX>+<TABLE_NAME>+<SUFFIX>).

  • Apply field routines: This flag automatically applies to all field routines.

Queue processing

The queue processing button will prefill automatically 2 groups of Extraction 2.0 objects necessary for Queue execution:

  1. The first group is handling insertion into SNP Glue Queue (from SAP table to SNP Glue Queue).

  2. The second group is handling pulling data from Queue (from SNP Glue Queue to SNP Glue table (any target)).

More about SNP Glue Queues can be found in the chapter "Heavy lifting" extraction using Queue.

More information about SNP Glue Extractor 2.0 objects can be found in the chapter Extractor 2.0 and its sub-pages.

Executing object generation

When the parameters are filled, based on your requirements, you can proceed to object generation itself.

You can choose from two options. You can either generate objects in the dialog process by pressing the Generate button from the toolbar or generate objects in the background job by pressing Generate (background).

In case you choose Generate (background), the SAP standard dialog for background job scheduling will appear as shown in the following image:

In case you choose to Generate in the dialog process, you will see the pop-up with logs after object generation is finished. These logs will give you a general overview of objects generated using this functionality. In the following image you can see an example:


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