(Glue-2408) Table Maintenance



Table Maintenance is a tool for modifying content of SAP tables. The functionality includes the addition, modification, and deletion of table rows.

How to modify SAP table

  1. Open the transaction /DVD/RL_TM and enter the name of the SAP table, which content you want to maintain. Please keep in mind that only tables starting with 'Z' 'Y' or /'DVD/' can be maintained.
    If you check the additional setting , the table fields will display technical names instead of a description.
  2. You can filter the data you want to display in the ALV grid. Only displayed rows can be then modified or deleted.
  3. Click Execute.
  4. You may use the following table maintenance functionalities:

 - Copy selected entry

  - Add new entry

 - Edit selected entry

 - Delete selected entry

All changes made on the table via this functionality are logged and can be found in the transaction SLG1.