(Glue-2408) Deletion transport

Instructions for successful transport of SNP Glue™ objects

  1. Create a standard SAP transport on a source system SE01

  2. Collect SNP Glue™ objects for deletion to transport via transaction /DVD/GLTR

  3. Release transport with standard SAP procedure (transaction SE01)

  4. Import transport to target via standard SAP procedure (transaction STMS)

  5. Import transport via SNP Glue™ Transport Management (transaction /DVD/GLTR)

Step 1: Create a standard transport on a source system

Step 2: Collect SNP Glue™ objects to transport

Go to SNP Glue™ Transport Management through the transaction /DVD/GLTR.

Check the Deletion transport checkbox.

If a user wants to add objects that have not been deleted yet to the deletion transport, check List also saved objects. This will also list deleted as well as existing objects.

You can filter the objects by:

  • Package

  • User name – a user who created the object

  • Select objects by type – using this option, you'll need to specify the type of SNP Glue™ objects. The following objects are supported: SNP Glue™ Table, InfoProvider, Extractor, Extractor 2.0 object, Variant, SNP Glue™ Business Objects, and SNP Glue™ Queues. Checking the additional checkboxes for SNP Glue™ Settings and SNP Glue™ Profiles will not fill the object list after the Execute button with the Deletion transport checkbox is checked.

After clicking execute the list will show deleted objects on the system.

After clicking on Execute button, the user can select objects to be added to deletion transport.

Variants and extractors that are part of the package without an assigned transport layer (e.g. $TMP package), cannot be added to a transport.

Select objects which you want to delete on the target system.

Click Execute.

For adding objects to transport, select the Request number of the transport you want to use.

Step 3: Release transport with standard SAP procedure (SE01)

Release the transport with the standard SAP procedure.

If the storage on the source system has a different Storage ID as on the target system or you want to use different storage on the target system, you must set up the mapping of storages. This step is necessary before the import of transport. More information can be found in the chapter Storage mapping functionality

Step 4: Import transport to target via standard SAP procedure (transaction STMS)

Step 5: Import transport via SNP Glue™ Transport Management (transaction /DVD/GLTR)

Import the transport on a target system

Go to the SNP Glue™ Transport Management, click Import request and select the Request ID you want to import.

Confirm the popup with the Request ID of the transport.

You will receive the Advanced activation popup where you can see how the objects on the source system were collected. More information about this functionality can be found in the chapter Advanced import. If you don’t want to change anything and want to proceed with the request on how it was created press the OK button.

Choose execution type.

Once the import of objects is done, a window is displayed with logs for deletion transport.