(DI-2311) Setup for additional statistics collection for BW Queries

(DI-2311) Setup for additional statistics collection for BW Queries

While executing the BW Queries on the monitored system, some information related to the monitoring about the executed BW Query is not retrospectively available for data collection. For this reason, some enhancements in the standard SAP functionality were created to handle and store the required information about the BW Query during its execution.

  • Enhancement /DVD/MON_BW_QUERY_ERR - in case that any error occurred during BW Query execution, this enhancement just save this error into the monitoring table that is then processed by the Collector for BW Query Runtimes.

    • By default, it automatically saves the errors occurred during BW Query execution to be able to monitor the number of erroneous BW Queries.

  • Enhancement /DVD/MON_BW_QUERY_SELVAR - this enhancement stores the selection variables that were used for the BW Query execution. These selection variables are then processed by the Collector for BW Query Runtimes and reported as WHERE clause for BW Query into the detail table with name “BW query runtime details”.

    • By default, the selection variables are not stored into the monitoring table.

To be able to control the additional statistics collection about the executed BW Queries via these monitoring enhancements, the new transaction /DVD/MON_BWQ was created.

This is a new setup for BW Queries monitoring that was introduced in the version 2311. Since this version, the Extended Query Statistics (EQS) are not delivered within the monitoring package anymore, but keep in mind that the BW Queries monitoring is still compatible with the EQS. It means that if the EQS was previously installed and configured on the monitored system, the already configured EQS functionality will be used instead of this new setup.

This transaction provides the following settings that can be configured based on your requirements:

  • Save occurred error in the executed BW Query if this checkbox is selected, the errors occurred during BW Query execution are saved into the relevant monitoring table and affected KPI for the number of erroneous BW Queries is collected as expected.

    • By default, this checkbox is selected after installing/upgrading the monitoring.

  • Save used selection variables for the executed BW Query - if this checkbox is selected, the selection variables used for the BW Query execution are saved into the relevant monitoring table and the WHERE clause for the BW Query is reported as expected into the detail table with name “BW query runtime details”. Otherwise, the WHERE clause is not built and reported at all.

    • By default, this checkbox is not selected after installing/upgrading the monitoring.

  • Exclude characteristics for InfoObject(s) - possibility to define a list of excluded InfoObjects that will be ignored while processing and storing the selection variables used for BW Query execution.