(DI-2311) Release Notes
New features
ASM-1151: Generate KPIs for Oracle system metrics automatically while adding a new SAP system with the primary Oracle database.
ASM-1260: New functionality to download logs from the CB Monitoring (more details).
ASM-1324: Monitoring of the SAP Web Dispatcher that is installed and running locally on the SAP system (more details).
ASM-1343: Decoupling settings for BW Query monitoring from BW Analysis (Heatmap) (more details).
BW Query monitoring is still backward compatible with the already configured Extended Query Statistics (EQS).
ASM-1344: New KPI for the number of work processes waiting for the semaphore (more details).
ASM-1278: Save the collector runtime statistics also if the monitoring background job is canceled (more details).
Collector runtime statistics were enhanced to contain information when the specific collector in the background job was started and ended.
ASM-1289: The message that the SQL statement is not defined was enhanced to contain information about the assigned KPI or detail table.
ASM-1295: If the required system parameter ‘SAPDBHOST' is initial, the error message about this wrong configuration is raised (more details).
ASM-1307: Improved error handling for remote function calls while getting information about the monitored SAP system.
ASM-1352: Aggregation of all occurred error messages into one message containing additional texts as a long message.
ASM-1347: If any collector execution fails, the messaging was improved to provide additional details about this failure.
BW Analysis (Heatmap)
ASM-1210: BW Analysis (Heatmap) functionality and content were detached from the CB Monitoring standard installation transport.
ASM-1343: Removed dependencies of the Extended Query Statistics (EQS) package from the CB Monitoring standard installation transport.
Resolved issues
ASM-1203: The KPI Creation wizard overwrites the existing retention time by default retention time after restarting the specific collector job.
Overwriting the previously defined input values in the next wizard execution by default predefined values in the same GUI session.
ASM-1290: The KPI Creation wizard for KPI rules displays the wrong input tables if the collector name was backwardly changed within its execution.
ASM-1294: Delayed background jobs that have never started are not reported.
ASM-1309: Unexpected runtime error 'CX_SY_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW' occurred in the first collector job execution.
ASM-1338: Disappearing of the non-aggregated messages while switching between aggregated and non-aggregated message view.
ASM-1340: Collector for System logs raises an unexpected runtime error if any error occurs during remote function calls.