(DI-2311) Alert Definition

(DI-2311) Alert Definition

Definition of alerts

There are three options on how to define a new alert:

1. The simple one is to use the context menu of a KPI and choose to create an alert.

2. The second option is to define alerts in monitoring customizing by selecting KPI from KPI definitions and choosing the option Assign alerts. There you can create a new entry for an alert definition or edit an existing one. You can create only an alert of the threshold kind. For each newly created alert, you must define at least one threshold value.

3. The third option is to define alerts in monitoring customizing by selecting Alerts and defining the bellow mentioned fields.

Alert view

This definition consists of:

  • Alert name – a unique, case-sensitive technical name of an alert.
    Please note that you can create or modify only field names (in this case the alert name) that start with Z*, Y* (or X* for generated Alert name). The standard customizing (field entries except the ones starting with Z*, Y*, X*) can not be changed or added.
  • Alert description – the description is used as the label in outputs.
  • KPI name and description – name of a KPI for which an alert is created.
  • Alert kind – defines the kind of alert (Threshold or Anomaly).
  • Alert type – describes the type of alert and determines the icon to be displayed if the alert occurs. Possible values are:
    • Success – 
    • Warning – 
    • Issues – 
    • Error - 
  • Period time – the frequency that specifies how often the alert is rechecked.
  • Changelog – displays the user name and time, when the alert was created and changed.

For every alert created, it is necessary to define associations to the KPI and to the Profile. This can be done in the Threshold setup category of this screen, according to the type of alert. 

Threshold setup

The following fields should be filled:

  • Monitoring profile – alert will be checked only for this profile under running Collector job.
  • KPI name – alert will be checked only for the value of this KPI.
  • Comparison operator – determines in which case a KPI value causes an alert to occur.


          Comparison operator

  • Threshold – determines the limit value for a KPI. This alert will occur if the KPI exceeds its defined threshold of associated alert.
  • Unit – determines the unit of measurement to be used, i.e., %, MB, etc.
  • Duration start – how long can a KPI value exceed the threshold (in the grey area) before an alert will occur (starting delay for the alert).
  • Duration end – how long a KPI value has to be outside of the threshold area (in the grey area) before an alert will be stopped (ending delay for the alert).

             Threshold setup

Anomaly view

This view serves only to display existing anomaly alert settings. It's not possible to create a new setting for anomaly alerts. In case you want to create a new setting or change the existing one, you need to use the context menu for KPI in the Monitor cockpit. 

  • System ID – alert will be checked only for this system under running Collector job. In case this field is empty, an alert will be checked for all systems. 
  • Monitoring profile – alert will be checked only for this profile under running Collector job. In case this field is empty, an alert will be checked for all profiles under running Collector jobs. 
  • Parameter name – defines a name of a setting that is used in anomaly detection. Each anomaly alert consists of the following settings:
    • Detection type  specifies a method for anomaly detection
    • High percentile  defines a value of high percentile which is used in anomaly detection calculation method 
    • Low percentile   defines a value of low percentile which is used in anomaly detection calculation method 
    • Moving window  defines a value of how many KPI values in the history should be included in the anomaly detection calculation method 
    • Percentile type  defines which KPI values will be excluded from the anomaly detection calculation method 
      • L (Low)  only those KPI values will be excluded which are less than a value of low percentile in analyzed KPI values 
      • H (High)  only those KPI values will be excluded which are higher than a value of high percentile in analyzed KPI values 
      • M (Low + High)  subtraction of high and low percentile values. In this case, the IQR method for anomaly detection is used. 
    • Status - specifies a status of settings for anomaly detection
      • A (Active)  anomaly detection is enabled when the Collector job is running 
      • W (Waiting)  anomaly detection is enabled when the Collector job is running, but there are not enough KPI values collected yet. The number of collected KPI values is less than the size of the moving window. 
      • C (Closed)  anomaly detection is disabled
      • S (Simulation)  these settings were created when the simulation of anomaly detection on historical KPI values was executed
  • Parameter value  defines a value that is used in the anomaly detection calculation method

             Anomaly view


For an existing alert, you can also set the recipient for the notification when the alert is triggered. This recipient can be then notified about each alert occurrence, for which is defined. This can be done in the maintenance view for notifications in the monitoring settings (Settings Monitoring settings > Alerts > Notification). 

When creating a new record for the notification, the following fields should be filled: 

  • System ID - if system ID specified, the notification is sent only from this system. If this field is empty, the notification is sent from any monitored system where the alert occurred. 
  • Monitoring profile - if monitoring profile specified, the notification is sent only if the alert occurred in the collector job with this profile name. If this field is empty, the notification is sent for occurred alert in any collector job with any profile name. 
  • Recipient address – the name of the recipient to whom is the notification sent. This field is dependent on the selected type of notification (for example, if type of notification is set to email, the value here is the full email address where will be send the notification of the alert occurrence).
  • Type of notification – specifies the method of transmitting the notification of the alert occurrence from the monitoring system. Currently, the following types (methods) are supported:
    • E-mail - notification will be transmitted to the specified email address over the internet

    • SAP Office message to user - notification will be transmitted to the specified recipient address by using SAPoffice

    • Private distribution list - notification will be transmitted to the all specified recipient addresses defined in the SAP Private distribution list created in the transaction SO15.

    • Shared distribution list - notification will be transmitted to the all specified recipient addresses defined in the SAP Public distribution list created in the transaction SO15.

    • BAdI processing - notification will be transmitted by the custom logic implemented as a custom BAdI implementation. This option should be used if you would like to implement your custom notification logic of the alert occurrence.

  • At First - select this flag if the recipient should be notified only when the alert occurred for the first time

  • At Next - select this flag if the recipient should be notified about all alert occurrences (expect the first occurrence)

  • At End - select this flag if the recipient should be notified only when the alert is closed (alert has ended)

  • BAdI ID (Optional)- this field is relevant only if the type of notification for “BAdI processing” is selected and you would like to use your own implementation for the alert notification. It defines the custom ID that is set in the filter value of the custom BAdI implementation (used for filtering and executing your custom BAdI implementation). Each custom BAdI implementation has to define the filter that is used for determining the explicit calls of your custom BAdI implementation. If this field has an initial value, default BAdI implementation is used for alert notification.

    • You can create your own BAdI implementation for the alert notification by using the predefined BAdI definition “/DVD/MON_BADI_DEF_EVT_NOTIFY.

You can find some examples of the email notifications in the chapter Examples of e-mail alerts.      

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