(DI-1802) ERP add-on setup

(DI-1802) ERP add-on setup

This setup is required first step after Fiori and ODATA services of Insights product were enabled in central system. This setup defines analyses that can be executed by Datavard Insights.

Analyses/Collectors for Satellite System

TypeMonitoring ProfileDescription

HM ERP: Analysis: Archived data


HM ERP: Analysis: Archiving for CO module

HMER_A_AEC HM ERP: Analysis: Archiving for EC module
HMER_A_AFI HM ERP: Analysis: Archiving for FI module
HMER_A_ALE HM ERP: Analysis: Archiving for LE module
HMER_A_AMMHM ERP: Analysis: Archiving for MM module
HMER_A_ASD HM ERP: Analysis: Archiving for SD module
User engagementAnalysisHMER_A_UEGHM ERP: Analysis: User engagenment analysis
Top tablesAnalysisHMBS_A_TTBHM Basis: Top tables analysis
STADCollectorHMBS_S_STDHM Basis: STAD collector
RL_ANL clusterETLHMBS_E_RALHM Basis: ETL: RL Analysis Library Cluster

For more detail information about how to setup Monitoring Profiles, check section Start default monitoring (sub-section "Create a Collector job").

Collectors for Central System

TypeMonitoring ProfileDescription

HM Basis: Post-processor (for Detail Tables)

HMER_C_PPEHM ERP: Post-processor (for ETL)